God Never Said That: Part 2 - 'More Than You Can Handle' with Craig Groeschel - LifeChurch.tv

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Heavenly father I sorendering my life to you in Jesus name Amen




Amen! Praise God for speaking through you. I hear him.


Yes I give my life to Jesus I sorendering my all to you


When things going well That's when God is giving us his help.And when things not good or bad he is testing us to see if we thrust his presence to be there as our God




I thank God that He gave me more than I could handle so that I would realize my need for Him. It was never more than He could handle.


Needed to be reminded!! My past and my weakness haunt me at times! This morning was one of those times, I am so blessed to have heard this message Aman


Incredible. I cannot say how perfect God and his timing are. His Holy Spirit completely led me to watch this message and I cannot tell you how many confirmations I have received. God revealed/gave me that word in Corinthians last night and I have been meditating on it all day. Thank you Lord for using your servant in the way you do. For when we are weak YOUR GLORY and YOUR POWER: overcomes, shines, and is revealed OVER OUR WEAKNESSES. We see your hand. We see how much we need you. We are never alone, because your hand is always at reach. I pray that your Holy Spirit would speak/minister to thousands of lives just as you have spoken to me.


Just earlier I told God, give me hardships if it means drawing closer to Him, and then, this is the message and video I randomly picked to watch today. It said so much of what I have been thinking, and praying. The Lord Jesus Christ brings us to where we need to be. I almost watched a different video but I decided to stay with this one, and the message felt clear for me. IN JESUS I PRAY, He has saved me. He is my Savior. All hail God and come to Him through the father, thankyou Jesus!


Never let the presence of a storm let you doubt the presence of God.🔥🎯🏆


I thank God for this message and it really spoke to me today. I am a "Christian" but I have back slid a tad. I have quoted the "more than you can handle to folks" out of context myself.... This is a good message and a church I will want to visit soon as I live in the Wichita area. I also prayed pastor's prayer at the end because it really spoke to my inner spirit. Thank you!


Love this message! this so spoke to me today  for me and my children 


There hath no temptation taken hold of you but such as is common to man. But God is faithful; He will not suffer you to be tempted beyond that which ye are able to bear, but with the temptation will also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.



god knows u r strong, he made you, he knows you better than you do. and you read the bible he will tell exactly who you are. my favorite "you are strong". the question is "Do You Believe him".


Right use of words, it really touched my heart and mind, I really needed to hear this today


i needed this so much. Thank you God for this


Of course he'll give us MORE than we can handle, otherwise we'll never reach out to Him. He wants us to reach out to Him. To depend on Him. To TRUST Him. That's why he gives us trials, allows us to fall down. That's why he allowed for FREE will so we can learn from our mistakes. And to realize that we NEED HIM to battle Satan.


young man I call upon you because you are strong. the next time your going through something remember that. better yet write it on ur arm


Personally, I agree with part of this. I understand the Bible never said God won't give you more than you can handle. I've known that was a lie for as long as it's been being said because I looked into it. I was going through a rough time in my life and feeling very suicidal most days, so when I heard someone say that God will never give me more than I could handle, I felt like it was as if they were looking at me and calling me a liar. I asked myself, then why do I want to die due to these problems that are so overwhelming that I obviously can't handle them. Because my inability to handle them is the very reason why I want to die. We don't even have to look all through the Bible to find examples of this... Look around today... Successful suicide is unfortunately a fact of life these days... it's becoming so bad that it's almost like everybody knows somebody who knows somebody who killed themself. I believe the statistic is that there's a suicide every second of the day happening somewhere in the world. After hearing people say God doesn't give you more than you can handle I felt how insulting this ignorant phrase was towards the poor souls who did take their lives at some point in time. Because obviously, they had more than they could handle on their plate - yet here with someone arguing that they could handle it and just chose to wimp out basically. I felt appalled that anybody would assume such things about people they didn't even know and pain that they had never actually experienced for themselves. The instinct to survive is the strongest instinct a human being possesses. If people weren't given more than they can handle, suicide would be something that would hardly ever occur if ever around the world.... So yeah, this lie was an obvious one to me from the first moment I heard it, and people need to learn to stop saying this because, although I know that you're only trying to help, it actually only makes things worse for people going through pain... people who are in some of the toughest times in their life need raw truth, not fluffy lies. Truth is really our only salvation from TRUE pain.

Again, in my opinion, here's the other part of this lie that is being told but is never talked about... God gives us blessings and love and support. All things good. He does not give us the trials and tribulations and evil that enters our life. I believe we made our own life plan before we were born, and we decided that depending on our choices, if they were wrong choices, then negative things would come into our lives as a result. again this is all just my belief and my own speculation, but I believe we put those things in our plan in order to steer and guide us back into alignment with whatever our true calling or purpose is here on Earth. if we make enough bad choices we can truly get ourselves in over our heads as far as the negative consequences that will result. If this occurs, there is still a lifesaver good gave each of us, however, and that is himself... if someone who is in over their head remembers that they can always turn it over to God and let him bear the weight that he can no longer stand to carry, God will take it, no questions asked.The problem is, many people don't remember this, or don't even know about it to try it... In my opinion, this is an absolutely crucial message that really needs to be shared with those bearing more than they feel they can handle. God gave you a life jacket you can use if you need to. Going through hard experiences helps you grow as a spirit, so giving up and giving it all to God should be something that you do only when you need to. But if you ever find yourself needing to, it is there, always. It's our "in case of emergency, break glass" tool that God has given all of us when our load gets too heavy to bear.

So, some may be wondering, what about situations in which a person has been completely victimized and is suffering negative consequences through no fault of their own? ie; an abused child... I believe that those experiences, too, were written by us before we were born because they would help shape us into an individual that will be helpful to another person in the future. Many people who were abused as children grow up to become phenomenal advocates for kids who are being abused. Many more of them go into social work or careers that require a heightened sensitivity to human suffering and because they too felt suffering, possess large amounts of empathy, and are able to offer real, healing, and useful life advice and hope to those suffering abuse or the aftermath of abuse, based on their own success within a similar experience. As difficult as it may be for a person to accept in a moment of suffering, There are countless reasons as to why a person would have written abuse into their life plan...

Again, these are just my thoughts on this issue... Take it or leave it. Peace love and good for all!
