Things I Wish I Knew Earlier In Days Gone (Tips & Tricks)

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Things I wish I knew earlier in Days Gone. (After 70+ Hours)
I hope some of these "tips & tricks" can be of use to some of you who are still enjoying the game or are getting ready to.

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All NERO Research Site Locations:

This Is A Knife Trophy Guide:

All NERO Checkpoint Locations:

All RIP Sermon Locations:

All Camp Guitarist Collectibles:
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This is the most underrated game I've ever played, since all the patches and updates it's an amazing game and after you get past the first couple hours of the basic tutorial and somewhat repetitive missions the game actually gets very deep and is a good game


-Stealth Kills produce much more XP (especially on screamers, 262 XP for a screamer stealth kill)
-When in bushes, Deacon *will* break cover, for a half a second, at the exact moment an item is thrown. (Zombies [Hordes] can actually spot you in this tiny window.) So time your tosses wisely.
-Blue four door cars usually carry Car Alarms (craft item). And some cars ARE empty entirely.
-Learn how to roll, run, slide, change direction, swap shoulders, if utilized correctly, Deacon becomes nearly impenetrable to enemy fire.
-Watch out for Rippers who light themselves ablaze and chase after you, if they get you it is instant Death, there is no escaping it.
-Save, Save, *Save*, you cannot save often enough in this title, it is extremely crucial, as not all autosaves seem to count when Deacon Dies, only your manual quicksaves create points of respawn.
-Invest in Focus when obtaining NERO shots, it will make aiming easier in several different ways, it does not just increase the amount of active time, it also pushes the aim reticules ever so slightly inward, enforcing accuracy.
-Do not run through the main story, take your time and go out bounty collecting all on your own, it will give you access to better things, earlier on.

I Love This Game. (Over 600 Hrs.)


One thing you've unintentionally shown me is that the petrol barrel in your base camp acts as a gas station. I've always just used the fuel can next to it to refill my bike. Thanks!


Crafting fire arrows to use for nests is much more efficient since one karosene Can craft you 3 arrows while one karosene crafts you one Molotov.


Go to the game settings and change "Dead Zone Sensitivity" to 'Linear' and it will make the camera feel much less sluggish.


I might be late but i discovered this one more thing, if you climb an electric tower or go to a high point of view, take out your binoculars and see whats around, this will clear the white areas on your map, kind the same thing you do in mad max just looking around hot air balloons


Other tips I didn't find out until much later. The flashlight blinds breakers at night and slows them down. Found that by accident. The camp you bought a gun at will offer an extended clip but only if the gun is equipped. Atractors will pull breakers off you, the will go to it instead of keep chasing you.


Its probably well known. But rippers will not kill zombies so if you use rocks to drag a zombie into one of their camps it can wipe out the whole lot and save your resources.


So many creative routes to take when fighting hordes and awesome traps to set. Meanwhile I just run in a big ass circle, turning around from time to time to shoot at them, until they are all dead. Big facts.


It may seem like traps pop up out of nowhere and your only defense is either driving slowly or having a really, impossibly keen eye for rope stretched across the road, but actually these traps do have one good, reliable tell that gives them away. While you're riding down roads, you should be constantly glancing at your map. If you ever see an "X" denoting a dead body on the side of the road, be leary. These rope traps always have a previous victim nearby.

Another bonus tip is that Nero Checkpoint speakers show up in survival vision. Well, the speakers themselves don't, but the white triangle does. It appears over Nero speakers the same as it does for loot.


I didn't realise until much later that credits are specific to each camp. You might have different amounts for each camp.


You can deactivate the speakers at the nero checkpoints before starting the generators!! That should be # 1 on this!!!


I just saw how huge the map gets later on, & got really excited cause I'm early in the game, Love it!


Little idea, it would be cool if you numbered each tip and constantly showed the number of the current tip in the corner. That way if I’m not interested in the current tip, I can fast forward and still keep track on when you arrive at the next tip


Playing this on Ps5, damn this game is so freaking underrated idk what happened. shame


Once you clear a camp (the red camp fires on your map) it opens up the map and shows nero locations.


Clearing nests while maintaining stealth - take a fuel can, sneak up to the nest and place the can on the ground next to the nest by pressing X. Go away and hide in a bush. Snipe the canister with silenced sniper rifle or any silenced weapon. Profit. (mostly usefull early before you get fire arrows i guess)


I found out early on (cuz im dumb) that if you somehow accidentally light yourself on fire (throwing a molotov too close or shooting a barrel too early), rolling helps put it out quicker


As soon as I got flaming crossbow bolts I decided to use those to take out infestations as you can craft 3 for one kerosene while molotovs need 1 for each one you make. Making the crossbow a serious nest killer. It just kinda sucks you need to wait to unlock it so late in the game as it would have been really useful early on.


When I saw this game coming out and found out it was a ps4 exclusive I sold a ton of my xbox games to buy a ps4 just for this game and it was worth it
