Terraria - The 7 most underrated weapons (Star Wars special!)

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Video timestamps:

00:00 - Intro text crawl
00:27 - Intro cinematic
01:10 - Weapons 1-3
02:53 - Sponsored message
03:55 - Weapons 4-7

#Terraria​​ #Underrated #YetNoLessAmazing #JourneysEnd​ #TerrariaUpdate
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I think uzi's rarity is what keeps it away from being a widely used weapon. 1% is a low chance, but what makes it worse is that angry trappers are uncommon


Spirit flame is so underrated. That was my favorite weapon against extremely fast hardmode bosses like the Twins. All you have to do is hold the fire button and focus on evading the boss attacks.


I love these cinematic intros xD and good job for getting sponsored Svings! You definitely deserved it!


Customary rant:-

Snowball cannon: This is an absolute blessing earlygame, I think it's also worth mentioning its really high knockback and availability at a stage where knockback is useful is great. I absolutely agree with it being a more powerful weapon than people think but considering that people rank it rather high anyways, I don't think it deserves a spot as among the most underrated.
Uzi: While it does sound like it has a match up against megashark, it ultimately is a much more annoying weapon to obtain (super cheesable boss vs a lot of grinding/amazing rng). It is also somewhat inaccurate and has overall lesser dps than megashark, though the former almost never causes actual hurt and the latter difference is very small. For a weapon compared to minishark, it really is barely talked about.
Flying Knife: As being present and involved in the discovery of the glitch, I am definitely biased and I absolutely agree with it being amongst the most underrated weapons in the game. However, I do not think the Flying Knife glitch needs to be patched because the glitch only affects weapons with channel, which narrows it down to a good few weapons. Due to a (lucky?) coincidence many of these weapon give iframes, which means Flying Knife will either reduce the dps of the weapon you're using it with to a fatal extent, or Flying Knife itself wont be useful. With this, the list of viable weapons to use with it goes down to
Phantasm, Vortex Beater and Ice Bow (and maybe phantom phoenix although I've recently been finding that even phantom phoenix suffers from the iframes due to the phoenix itself having iframes. With Ice Bow, this glitch makes for a very powerful combination, albeit not a broken one. With phantasm, it becomes an ichor applier and lets you benefit from ichor while using other different arrows. This is not broken but it is useful. As of vortex beater, you might as well quick switch to Possessed Hatchet and reap the same bonuses and not have to actually aim since you were using chlorophyte bullets on the beater anyways. Additionally the rockets might get its own iframes gimped.
wow that was long I need to stop typing so much
Bubble Gun: it sounds absolutely amazing but then you realise that at post golem, there's nothing you can kite and suddenly this weapon doesn't look very pretty anymore. However, if you get it pre mechs or anywhere around, it is like all other duke drops, intensely overpowered.
Stake Launcher: Better than snowman cannon, 10/10 weapon I worship
Spirit Flame: Nothing to say other than that this weapon also has a rather short range, although its nothing experience ruining. Still a solid weapon.
Flairon: Quite frankly I'm beginning to think this weapon is overrated now. In practice its dps really isn't that high and most of the bubbles die off before hitting its target. Its dps on crowds turns out to be the dps it should have on single targets in the first place!

All in all I think this is a fairly good video, though not a definitively solid one. The editing is top notch as always.

Wait there's no electrosphere


The three most underrated Ranged weapons in my experience were:
Stake Launcher 1.4.1, you already explained why it's so good, the DPS is stupidly insane and it's good against groups and single targets
Nail Gun, it's a per golem weapon and it's capable of killing the moon lord,
Dart Rifle, I honestly prefer this over the Deadulus Stormbow

The two underrated Melees in my experience
Daybreak, even if it's chosen over the solar eruption, it's still incredibly overlooked, it destroys single targets so well
Starlight, with the drawback of having to actually play like a melee class, it's DPS is so high on its own that you can substitute the damage for defense to make up for the Low range


Man... the Flairon takes me back. I remember soloing Pumpkin and Frost Moons on a Mediumcore playthrough with that thing and an absurd Melee Setup.
It definitely gets glossed over nowadays, though, since you can easily skip getting it and move on to weapons like Solar Eruption or Daybreak with minimal effort.


normally i dislike when a sponsor interrupts my video, But your introduction to Dragon City was so good that i wasn't even mad


Ice Biome drops are still severely slept on. Frost Staff, Ice Sickle, Frostbrand, Ice Bow, Flower of Frost…

Also the Tier 2 OOA drops.


Svings getting sponsorships. We love to see it. Especially when it's so neatly and smoothly woven into the video.


hey Svings one really interesting thing I noticed about the Stake Launcher that makes it even better is that as it's a crossbow, you are able to use the Magic Quiver and Recon Scope and the weapon inherits both their bonuses. Pretty neat!


Your creativity is limitless, and you proove it with every new video


Star Trek is my favorite TV show so I loved the references in the video! Jokes aside the cinematic looks really cool with those amazing buildings. And congrats for the sponsor Svings!
The title crawl was a bit too fast and too angled for me, I had to pause to read any of the text.


Slime saddle!!!
It very good for some bosses because they cant hurt you by touching them
Only distance attacks can be problem


Despite popular opinion, i think the crystal vile shard and vilethorn are great. Especially for mob farming, cuz you could just keep damaging from behind a wall. Helped me a lot in my ftw master mode playthrough, though i eventually quit, they're still great. I know you can use other weapons but they're great for me in events like goblin invasion, martian invasion, blood moon, etc etc.


most underrated youtubers in history
number 1 SVINGS


Holy cow, the effort put into this video for somthing as simple as a ranking video is insane


I like how even the Starwars opening text was in the same fonts from Terraria.

Great attention to detail and the creativity is brilliant.


1:30 "meaning that, whoever tries to obtain it, will get it rather easily."
I've been searching for this for hours, gone to multiple world, and can't seem to find it. Even made a large world, with a spelunker potion. I couldn't find it.
Anyway, Even videos like this are cool. Glad to have someone who knows my kind of entertainment, despite the fact that we hale literally never met before, and knows very little about me. Thanks for the video!


I like how you put war machines and some cannon in the background it looks like a battlefield. Love your creation


Try using Flairon against Empress of Light
