Are there any similarities between the hyper Charismatic Church and New Age?

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#DoreenVirtue #newage #Christian

Why we asked Doreen Virtue this question

Doreen Virtue holds a B.A. and M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Chapman University, and she is currently 3/4 of the way through earning an M.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies from Western Seminary in Portland and Seattle. She is in seminary to learn how to rightly divide the Word, and to learn how to encourage other women to study the Bible.

Doreen was raised in the heretical religion, Christian Science, and then went into the new age. She spent 58 years in this deception, not knowing there was anything wrong with it. Doreen became the top-selling new age author at the top-selling new age publishing house. She seemed to have everything the world desires, yet she was still seeking the truth.

When Jesus called her out of the new age, Doreen began studying the Bible. When she got to Deuteronomy 18:10-12, Doreen realized that she was a sinner in need of a Savior. She surrendered her life to Jesus as her Lord and Savior, and left the new age.

She has denounced her previous new age work, and does not use cards or any new age practices. Other people continue to sell her old work, even though she’s asked them not to. It seems they are selling the bottom-of-the-barrel old stock, and will soon be discontinued.

Doreen's links

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Yes! It's feeding on the Spirit to gorge & get a spiritual high. But food is to give energy to the body for work & some hyper-charismatics use it addictively.

The ones I know HAVE read the full Bible. Many times. In fact, the ones I know really study the Word hard, but it's the lack of emotional maturity & not knowing how to apply it to their lives that's the problem. They know the Word, but while knowledge is good it's only useful if it's used. Knowledge in and if itself can't save. We must be not just hearers of the Word but doers of the Word. It's about walking it out.

But what if we don't know how because we're emotionally wounded?

This is where relationships in the body of Christ are crucial. We need healthy relationships to help each and every one of us apply it in communities grounded in His chesed love.


What is your denomination and who is doing prophecy, healing and casting out demons correctly ?
Pretend I just came out the the Mother Ship from a far away planet and said, Take me to your leader...just having fun with it. Thanks.
