TDS SOLO HC Hardcore Ace Pilot Rework 2 Towers Only - Tower Defense Simulator Roblox

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TDS SOLO HC Hardcore Ace Pilot Rework 2 Towers Only - Tower Defense Simulator Roblox

TDS SOLO HC Ace Pilot Rework only with Military base also very OP can reach wave 45 or more. Enjoy

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I know Grinding gems in tds is very painful and bored, so You can find more Strats for Grind Gems tds or Coins that may suitable for you here:
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nah, no one made a list of what to do? let me fix that

wave 1 : skip as fast as possible
end of wave 1 : get first ace pilot (lv 0)
wave 2 : just dont skip
end of wave 2 : get first farm (lv 0)
wave 3 : skip wave when you can
end of wave 3 : upgrade first farm (lv 1)
wave 4 : get second farm (lv 0) and skip wave
end of wave 4 : upgrade second farm (lv 1)
wave 5 : get third farm (lv 0) and dont forget to invert the ace pilot rotation when it gets past the zombies so you kill them
end of wave 5 : upgrade third farm (lv 1)
wave 6 : just invert the ace pilot rotation if needed (and skip wave :D)
end of wave 6 : upgrade any of the farms (lv 2)
wave 7 : upgrade ace pilot (lv 1) and invert the ace pilot rotation multiple times until the strong zombies die (dont skip)
end of wave 7 : upgrade any of the remaining lv 1 farms to lv 2
wave 8 : upgrade the remaining lv 1 farm to lv 2
wave 9 : get first military base (lv 2)
end of wave 9 : upgrade ace pilot (lv 2)
wave 10 : nothing
wave 11 : get second mil base (lv 1)
end of wave 11 : upgrade first mil base (lv 3)
wave 12 : get fourth farm (lv 1) and upgrade second mil base (lv 2)
end of wave 12 : upgrade fourth farm (lv 2)
wave 13 : nothing
end of wave 13 : upgrade first farm (lv 3) and get fifth farm (lv 1)
wave 14 : upgrade second farm (lv 3)
end of wave 14 : upgrade fifth farm (lv 2)
wave 15 : upgrade third farm (lv 3)
end of wave 15 : upgrade fourth farm (lv 3)
wave 16 : upgrade fifth farm (lv 3) and get sixth farm (lv 1)
end of wave 16 : upgrade sixth farm (lv 2)
wave 17 : upgrade second mil base (lv 3) and upgrade sixth farm (lv 3)
wave 18 : set first and second mil base to target strong
wave 19 : just skip it
wave 20 : upgrade first mil base (lv 4), use the mil base ability on the slow boss and get seventh (lv 2) and eighth (lv 1) farms, upgrade seventh farm (lv 3) and set the mil bases target to first
end of wave 20 : upgrade eighth farm (lv 3)
wave 21 : nothing
wave 22 : nothing
end of wave 22 : upgrade second mil base (lv 4)
wave 23 : get third mil base (lv 3), use mil base ability on hidden boss
wave 24 : upgrade third mil base (lv 4)
wave 25 : get fourth mil base (lv 3), use all mil base abilitys on the 3 hidden bosses
wave 26 : upgrade fourth mil base (lv 4)
wave 27 : get fifth mil base (lv 3)
wave 28 : use one mil base ability on the lead zombies
wave 29 : upgrade fifth mil base (lv 4) and upgrade ace pilot (lv 4)
wave 30 : nothing
wave 31 : upgrade first ace pilot (lv 5) and place second ace pilot (lv 4) (use all abilitys on the bosses)
wave 32 and 33 : upgrade second ace (lv 5), get third ace (lv 3) and use abilitys on the bosses and after using the abilitys upgrade the third ace (lv 5), get FOURTH ace pilot (lv 3)
wave 34 : upgrade fourfh ace pilot (lv 5), use abilitys on the fallen titan (just two abilitys can kill it)
wave 35 : get fifth ace pilot (lv 4), use ALL abilitys against the bosses when the fallen titan gets closer to them and upgrade fifth ace (lv 5)
wave 36 : get sixth and seventh ace pilot's (lv 4 and lv 3) and use abilitys whenever you can
wave 37 : upgrade fifth mil base (lv 5), upgrade seventh ace (lv 4), upgrade sixth ace (lv 5)
wave 38 : upgrade seventh ace (lv 5), use one ability on the slow bosses (its not slow boss the name but... you know what zombie im talkin about)
wave 39 to 42 : start upgrading all mil bases to lv 5 and use abilitys strategically

all waves after 42 : just use abilitys strategically and your pretty much done

TIP : if you want you can get extra two tower to help, this two towers can possibly make you go further !

i didn't think it would take almost 2 hours to make this ;-; nah but it was fun!


hey look at that, the good ol' ace + mil base strat has gotten way better than before


I’m so close for getting accelerator but what a fantastic strat you made.


You can use the pyro and militant strat, you die at wave 26 or 27, giving 32~37 gems in around 10 minutes


Since nobody write strat ill write it (sorry if these strt i write some are wrong if u found a mistake pls tell me)
Btw placement on video

Place 1 lv 0 ace pil
Place 3 lv 1 farm, 1 by 1
Up 1 farm to lv 2
Up ace pil to lv 1
Up 2 farm to lv 2
Place 1 mili base lv 2
Up acepil to lv 2
Place 1 mili base lv 1
Up the 1 milbase lv 2 to lv 3
Place 1 lv 1 farm
Upg milibase to lv 2
Up 1 lv 1 farm to lv 2
Up 1 farm to lv 3
Place 1 lv 1 farm
Up one farm lv 2 to lv 3
Up lv 1 farm to lv 2
Up one farm lv 2 to lv 3
Up 2 farm to lv 3
Place 1lv 2 farm
Up 1 milbase to lv 3
Up farm to lv 3
In w18 set all milbase to strongest target
Up 1 milbase to lv 4
Use airstrike on mega slow on wave 19
Place 1 lv 2 farm
Place 1 lv 1 farm
Up 1 lv 2 farm to lv 3
Set all milbase target to first at wave 20
Up 1 faem to lv3
Up 1 milabse to lv 4
Place 1 lv 3 milbase and up to lv 4
Place 1 lv 3 milbase
Use all airstrike on w25 to 3 sboss and make sure to aim it
On w26 use 1 airstrike to mega slow
Up 1 milbade to lv4
Place 1 lv 3 milbase and up to lv 4
Use airstrike on w28 to lead boss (optional i think)
Up acepil to lv3
Use airstrike on w29 when mega slow and sboss is crowding(my english is bad)
Up acepil to lv 4
Use 1 airstrike to mega slow on w30 (optional?)
Up acepil to lv 5
Place 1 lv 3 acepil and fly to opposite way
Up ace pil to lv 4
Use airstrike ability on w31 fallen titant
Up ace pil to lv 5
Place 1 lv 3 acepil
Use few airstrike on w32 and aim to shadboss
Up acepil to lv 4
Use airstrike whenever u want but make sure use it when its crowd
Up acepil to lv 5
Place 1 lv 4 acepil set the fly to the oppsite
Up acepil to lv 5
Place 1 max acepil (rotate one time)
Place 1 max acepil (rotate one time)
Place 1 lv 4 acepil (rotate one time)
Spam airstrike to grave digger
Up milbase to lv 5
Up 2 acepil to lv 5 and set one of them to fly to the opposite way
Up 1 milbase to lv 5
use airstrike on lead ballon
Up all milbase to lv 5
U now just need to use airstrike and do nothing, if u bring other tower of ur choice u can place it and u may pass wave 45
Btw if u lose on boss wave like 36 or 44 i think because the rng


Can i do this mindlessly or do i need to follow the strat


wave 1 : skip as fast as possible and get first ace pilot (lv 0)
wave 2 : just dont skip and get first farm (lv 0)
wave 3 : skip wave when you can and upgrade first farm (lv 1)
wave 4 : get second farm (lv 0) and skip wave and upgrade second farm (lv 1)
wave 5 : get third farm (lv 0) and dont forget to invert the ace pilot rotation when it gets past the zombies so you kill them
upgrade third farm (lv 1)
wave 6 : just invert the ace pilot rotation if needed (and skip wave :D)
upgrade any of the farms (lv 2)
wave 7 : upgrade ace pilot (lv 1) and invert the ace pilot rotation multiple times until the strong zombies die (dont skip)
upgrade any of the remaining lv 1 farms to lv 2
wave 8 : upgrade the remaining lv 1 farm to lv 2
wave 9 : get first military base (lv 2) and upgrade ace pilot (lv 2)
wave 10 : nothing
wave 11 : get second mil base (lvl 1) and upgrade first mil base (lv 3)
wave 12 : get fourth farm (lv 1) and upgrade second mil base (lv 2)
upgrade fourth farm (lv 2)
wave 13 : upgrade first farm (lv 3) and get fifth farm (lv 1)
wave 14 : upgrade second farm (lv 3) and upgrade fifth farm (lv 2)
wave 15 : upgrade third farm (lv 3) and upgrade fourth farm (lv 3)
wave 16 : upgrade fifth farm (lv 3) and get sixth farm (lv 1)
end of wave 16 : upgrade sixth farm (lv 2)
wave 17 : upgrade second mil base (lv 3) and upgrade sixth farm (lv 3)
wave 18 : set first and second mil base to target strong
wave 19 : just skip it
wave 20 : upgrade first mil base (lv 4), use the mil base ability on the slow boss and get seventh (lv 2) and eighth (lv 1) farms, upgrade seventh farm (lv 3) and set the mil bases target to first
upgrade eighth farm (lv 3)
wave 21 : nothing
wave 22 : upgrade second mil base (lv 4)
wave 23 : get third mil base (lv 3), use mil base ability on hidden boss
wave 24 : upgrade third mil base (lv 4)
wave 25 : get fourth mil base (lv 3), use all mil base abilitys on the 3 hidden bosses
wave 26 : upgrade fourth mil base (lv 4)
wave 27 : get fifth mil base (lv 3)
wave 28 : use one mil base ability on the lead zombies
wave 29 : upgrade fifth mil base (lv 4) and upgrade ace pilot (lv 4)
wave 30 : nothing
wave 31 : upgrade first ace pilot (lv 5) and place second ace pilot (lv 4) (use all abilitys on the bosses)
wave 32 and 33 : upgrade second ace (lv 5), get third ace (lv 3) and use abilitys on the bosses and after using the abilitys upgrade the third ace (lv 5), get FOURTH ace pilot (lv 3)
wave 34 : upgrade fourfh ace pilot (lv 5), use abilitys on the fallen titan (just two abilitys can kill it)
wave 35 : get fifth ace pilot (lv 4), use ALL abilitys against the bosses when the fallen titan gets closer to them and upgrade fifth ace (lv 5)
wave 36 : get sixth and seventh ace pilot's (lv 4 and lv 3) and use abilitys whenever you can
wave 37 : upgrade fifth mil base (lv 5), upgrade seventh ace (lv 4), upgrade sixth ace (lv 5)
wave 38 : upgrade seventh ace (lv 5), use one ability on the slow bosses (its not slow boss the name but... you know what zombie im talkin about)
wave 39 to 42 : start upgrading all mil bases to lv 5 and use abilitys strategically

all waves after 42 : just use abilitys strategically and your pretty much done


yo mxd can u make the videos in a step by step type of order? it makes it easier to follow along.


can there be a document for this strat, I prefer not watching a YouTube video second by second, great strat man


What you can do is place 2 pyros (or more) at the two cones in the middle to do some extra stealth damage


i love the vid bro u got a subscriber keep it up


wow the two towers which were like best friends got buffed a lot getting gems is easy now


Can I add a tower once everything is maxed out?




this fucker solo hardcore, I can't even solo fallen💀 and im already level 107 even though i rarely played

what a guy


Farm technically only counts as a support
You even have enough space for extra support or even dps


amazing strat with 3 towers! that's hella impressive 🔥🔥


wow i brought in commander and cryo just to get to wave 46, though shouldn't he get 91 or smth gems since he beat wave 45, cuz i got 103 gems on wave 46(stupid speedy kings buffed by circuits)😮😮


made it to wave 50 with engineer, accelrator dang this strat is good


hey can you make a strat which have accel and other towers (no golden, event or other hardcore towers) cause i need to grind for brawler and enginner
