Sum of Number in Given Range in Python | Sum the numbers from 1 to 100

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Find the Sum of Numbers in given Range in Python | Sum the integers from 1 to 100 in Python | Sum all numbers in a range in Python.

Find the Sum of the Numbers in a Given Range
Given two integer inputs as the range [ startnum, endnum ], the objective is to find the sum of the numbers that lay in the intervals given by the integer inputs. Therefore we’ll write a code to Find the Sum of the Numbers in a Given Range in Python Language.
Input : 2 to 5
Output : 14
Method 1: Using Brute Force
In this method we’ll use loops like for, while and do while to sum all the numbers that lay in the intervals of the given input integers.
For in integer inputs startnum and endnum as the intervals
Initialize the required variables.
Run a for loop from num1 to num2+1 i.e [num1,num2].
Append i to sum variable with each iteration.
Print sum variable.

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