Why do Clouds appear White? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif
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Why do Clouds appear White?
Sunlight or white light is a combination of all visible colors of light. Each color has a different wavelength. Blue light has the shortest wavelength while red light has the longest wavelength.
Now, small atmospheric particles that exist in the sky scatter shorter wavelengths more efficiently, hence the sky appears blue.
But, in the case of a cloud, the water droplets present in them are much bigger. They scatter all the wavelengths of light approximately with the same effectiveness. These scattered wavelengths interact and combine to again generate white color. Hence the cloud appears white.
Then why do clouds sometimes appear gray? This is because the scattered light in the cloud is usually sent upwards or to the sides. Thus making them appear more white as compared to the lower portion which receives less light.
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