College Dropout

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I've taken a tough decision that not all people agreed with...

Hiiiiiiiiii! We should connect!
Snapchat - JeffreyFever

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Never give up on what makes you happy :)


I think you're a great example of someone who sets their mind on something and works towards their goal. Never stop believing and pursuing your dreams no matter how far-fetched they may seem. I truly think you're going to do big things and that you're cable of so much. Good luck with everything and stay positive!


When he does everything you've ever wanted to do. Learn Chinese, learn hip hop, learn to sing and learn to play the guitar.


Bruh keep doing what you doing homie, you got support from all of us, just look at that like/dislike ratio


Jeffrey is getting more and more noticed and it's beautiful ❤️


your singing and dancing? DAAMN YOUR THE MAN


Jeffrey I'm so beyond happy to see you back. I love that you've been able to take some time to learn different things that you wanted to learn.


College is a basic thing to do. If you really want success, you should be doing something else/more than college. With that, I think you are doing the right thing. I look forward to seeing your succeed 😊


You deserve so much more recognition. I'm a fan man, I really am. I'll always be here to support you.


I think you should be proud of yourself for pursuing a non-traditional path if it'll make you happier in the long run! Keep working hard (:


The biggest lie is if somebody has study and went to university he is smarter than people who didnt go to university.


Dude! That stop motion intro tho!! 👍🏾 I can relate so much to this. Never stop learning.


I related so much to this video ! I Actually drop out of college last month after two years of "lets try a little harder, maybe I'll start liking it" and I'm so much more happy now, I started taking care of myself, take piano lessons again, learning german and figuring out what I really want to to with my life . Not a lot of people agreed, but as my mom says the " opinions are like crutches, you only use them if you can't walk by yourself" ( I don't know if it makes much sense in english, but in portuguese does).
So congratulations to your courage to persue your dreams, you're a really talented guy and I wish you all the hapiness and luck in your journey.


wow i love this video so much. great job! i was expecting a rant about how college is a waste of time but instead you went in the surprising direction of finding what you want to learn. i think that's really inspiring for anyone who feels the same way. college may not be for everyone. but learning is. excellent video!!!


The world has been blessed with human being as amazingly talented as Jeffrey!


This video was perfect timing for me. I decided to drop out of college, or "take a break" a few months back just because it wasn't something I wanted to do, I wasn't happy doing it, and I wasn't committed. I've been getting so much disapproval from family even friends, even people I don't know talk about it. It's been hard on me. I decided to go out and get myself a job to gain work experience and learn new things. I'm so glad to hear that I'm not alone on this. Thank you for making this video, I was starting to think that me following my dreams was the wrong path to take.


I'm officially part of the Jeffrey fandom 😂😂❤❤ Will support you all the wayy


I'm in the same exact situation... same exact thought process too about wanting to be and try all these things in life and just enjoy life for what is and adventure throughout it haha. It's what I'm currently doing and I'm encouraged and REALLY relieved to hear that other people are doing the same route. Pursuing what you want to do regardless of "the correct way to live." It's discouraging at times to think that I'm living this way and it's not a path many people view with much support. But not everything has to be structured: go to school, get a degree, get a career step-by-step, because everyone has a different pathway that's a different style of how they want to create their life and that's okay! I wish this was more encouraged about following the route you believe is right for yourself rather than hearing the pressures of others assuming you're living wrong and you're messing up your future. But overall, thank you for putting out your passion and voicing out that it's okay to live differently. It's encouraging and mindful to think about for those deciding how they want to pursue their lives. :)


Why is no one talking about his voice omg his voice is pure SILK


Wow how talented can a person be!?💕 You're amazing! Love ya!💖
