How to Make A True Scrappy Quilt

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A True Scrappy Quilt is made with all different scraps of fabric and the fabrics don't need to match. You just need to make sure the scraps are all the same size. This free pattern you can keep sewing for as long as you like or finish it up quick.
Bernina Sewing machine
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Thank you for showing how to cut the scraps and construct the quilt. I made one with over 1000 pieces. I love it and it used up a lot of scraps that I wanted to put to good use. Everyone who sees the quilt likes the scrappy look.


hi, I'm France Thibodeau, I'm 14 years old, My mom does a lot of sewing since shes young and so am I and Your videos inspire me to continue my hard work, Keep up the good work <3
-France Thibodeau


This is the best scrap quilt “pattern” I have seen‼️ Your tutorials are fantastic and i feel you’ve become my quilting mentor 😊
I made a mistake and cut my scraps 2x4” and then was relieved that all I have to do is trim them down.
Thank you so much Laura! You’re the Best! Cathy


Fell in love with this quilt! Finished the top yesterday. Making the back out of squares that are the same size as the top squares. Using scrap strips for the binding! I have learned so much from you! Thank you for your excellent educational videos! My friends give me their scraps. Wait til they see what i did with them!


l did it! First quilting project ever and only stroller-sized but it looks fantastic - from a distance..
All the fabrics were different weights and the stitching is far perfect but I learned a lot and enjoy every minute of it.
Plus the imminent great granddaughter gets a unique gift that reflects the conventional preference of her mother on the top (baby pinks and blues) but also dad's gothic aesthetic (Dia de Muertos) on the back.
So sincere thanks for your skill and generosity in sharing it.


Laura 's sense of color combination is so neat -- I was wowed by the yellow, olive, orange scrappy quilt that came out towards the end-- very inspiring!


I’ve always wanted to make a quilt but it’s always felt like a huge undertaking. This can be done in bite sized pieces which is perfect for me. And it doesn’t need expensive fabric, all perfectly colour coordinated. Brilliant! Thank you!


I wanted to thank you for all of your amazing tutorials! I made this scrappy quilt for my daughter and she loved it!!!


I'm having so much fun cutting my scraps and enjoying all the different designs I hadn't seen in a while. I can hardly wait to start sewing. I really love scrappy quilts this will be my first one. Thanks Laura


I just finished the scrappy quilt top and I really love it.  This from someone who doesn't really like scrappy quilts.  I put a black border around it to frame it. I look at it on the design wall and it reminds me of a quilt my great-grandmother made out of our old clothes.  Very fond memories.  Thanks for the quilt demo.


Thank you for showing me that all the scraps I was saving for some reason are going to be good for something. I just spent hours cutting squares but now as I get scraps I will cut them down to size right away and add to my box. It was also fun going down memory lane on the many things I have sewn since getting my machine in November. It has been a lot but I have yet to do a quilt. I am officially inspired.


Great scrap buster quilt. I am doing this and I love how it is turning out. When I was sewing the pieces together, I felt like it was the fishes and loaves, never ending.


I just found your channel, i just wanted to tell you I have taught my son how to sew, he always watched me sew at a young age. I had five children and three girls. I sewed a lot of shorts and t-shirts. I also taught sewing for a while. It turned out fine because my son showed his wife how to sew. So if they want to sew, let them.


I didn’t think I had enough to do a quilt. Now that I started cutting scraps. Wow! I have a lot of scraps cut out. I’m excited to see what I ended up with. Thanks!


Always a pleasue Laura! Your easy and understandable manner of explaining so we can all grasp your idea and method, and then go do our own. Lovely quilt on the wall, by the way... Danielle


I love this scrappy design! I made one for myself & one for my sister. Now after each quilt project, I cut up my leftovers into these rectangles so I'll have enough ready to sew into donation quilts for our regional women's shelter.


To keep myself from choosing the two scraps to sew together, I have two bins. One for light pieces and one for dark pieces - that way I don't stop when I see what I pulled. From a very OCD individual who's trying to be spontaneous.


I just rewatched this older video. I’m using up my scraps!❤😊


I just found a shop in my area that sells donated fabrics. They sell scraps $1 per bag. You fill the bag! So glad to come across this video. Next time I’ll pick up a couple of bags of scraps and try this design.


What a cool, easy project with eye catching results! Not a fussy, overly complicated style, fast to catch on to, and easy for a newbie to start off with. It makes a great, old school looking quilt. I appreciate it! Thank you and i look forward to watching more of your nifty ideas. I wish you a crafty new season, and peace, love ands joy. Happy scrapping!
