Very sad news😪 Queen👑Uniek has lost another foal | Friesian Horses

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What a bad luck. Queen👑Uniek has lost another foal😪 I'm taking the foal and the afterbirth for autopsy. The first test results showed that it was not Rhinovirus. I don't have any other test results yet. Of course I will keep you informed. I explain everything in the video.

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Uniek fan Goëngamieden Kroon Sport (Ulbert 390 x Brandus 345, Dam: Thekla van de Zonschate Ster Sport) (May 9, 2006)
Reintje fan 'e Goëngamieden Ster Sport AA (Tjalbert 460 x Sibald 380, Dam: Freke M. Ster Sport Pref) (March 15, 2013)
Frieda fan 'e Goëngamieden Ster (Loadewyk 431 x Bikkel 470, Dam: Sjirkje fan 'e Reuzepôle Ster) (May 27, 2017)
Ginny fan 'e Goëngamieden Ster (Rommert 498 x Tsjalle 454, Dam: Saly fan 'e Goëngamieden Kroon AA) (March 22, 2018)
Geertje fan 'e Goëngamieden Kroon AA (Alwin 469 x Tjalbert 460, Dam: Reintje fan 'e Goëngamieden Ster AA) (April 10, 2018)
Hester S. fan é Goëngamieden Ster (Menne 496 x Sape 381, Dam: Wytske fan 'e Goëngamieden Ster) (April 21, 2018)
Saly fan 'e Goëngamieden Kroon AA (Tsjalle 454 x Andries 415, Dam: Ylse fan 'e Goëngamieden Kroon AA) (March 23, 2013)
Jildou fan 'e Goëngamieden (Nane 492 x Bikkel 470, Dam: Sjirkje fan 'e Reuzepôle Ster) (February 27, 2019)
Lianne fan 'e Goëngamieden (Menne 496 x Tsjalle 454, Dam: Saly fan 'e Goëngamieden Kroon AA) (March 16, 2019)
Lina fan 'e Goëngamieden (Tymen 503 x Maurits 437, Dam: Rinske fan 'e Goëngamieden Ster) (March 20, 2019)
Klaske fan 'e Goëngamieden (Epke 474 x Tije 401, Dam: Sanne Aukje Ster) (May 15, 2019)
Mathilde fan 'e Goëngamieden (Teun 505 x Bikkel 470, Dam: Sjirkje fan 'e Reuzepôle Ster) (February 22, 2020)
Marije fan 'e Goëngamieden (Fonger 478 x Tsjalle 454, Dam: Saly fan 'e Goëngamieden Kroon AA) (March 2, 2020)
Pieter fan Gooyum (Rommert 498 x Mewes 438, Dam: Aukje Aagje W Ster) (February 21, 2021)
Rinse Janko fan 'e Goëngamieden (Teun 505 x Beart 411, Dam: Richtsje fan Oostenburg Ster) (April 16, 2021)
Rising Star JK (Sire: Cachet L (Jazz x Ferro) Dam: Ziffora Elite sport (Polansky x elite pref prest sport V. Nocturn x Pion) KWPN dressage horse (May 25, 2021)
Reina fan 'e Goëngamieden (Nane 492 x Tjalbert 460 Dam: Reintje fan 'e Goëngamieden Ster AA) (April 23, 2021)
Sanne fan 'e Goëngamieden (Teun 505 x Bikkel 470, Dam: Sjirkje fan 'e Reuzepôle Ster) (February 26, 2021)

Made this video: April 21, 22, 23, 2022

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Update 4 days later: Uniek is doing really fine. I'm so happy with that!! After all what happened... I want to thank all of you for the sweet comments.
There are also many people who give their opinion on how I should or should not do with Uniek. I asked not to do. That's why the MODs are removing this kind of comments. I hope you will understanding. I don't want any discussion on this topic. It's sad enough that it happened this way.
But it's so heartwarming there are so many people who send such sweet messages from all over the world.
I don't have any autopsy results of the foal and afterbirth yet. Only that it's not the Rhinovirus. But I already announced that in this video. ❤❤


It breaks our hearts to hear such news. We all know what a GREAT MOM she's been, especially to RISING STAR. She just needs to live her life and be happy. She will always be THE "QUEEN" ! 💙🇺🇸🙏


That was SO sweet of you to say… that she is somehow ours as well.She is SO special and I’m deeply sorry for the loss of the foal for you both. You have a very thorough approach to making a medical determination which I imagine is essential. While you were comforting her in the field the sadness in the eyes of you both was palpable. I have always loved horses but never been in the position to have one in my life. Watching your videos fills that hole for me. I am certain YOU are the best Mum for her!


My heart goes out to all of you, Yvonne, and especially Uniek. She seems to enjoy being a mother and I remember vividly her immediate reaction to Rising Star's arrival last year. Grieve as the family you are.


It's a Sunday morning here In Missouri, USA as I read this heartbreaking news. Speaking for myself, I check YouTube each day to see what new Friesian Horses videos have been shared. Like many, I try to learn how to tell each beauty apart from the others, and of course, I can't. However, I always seem to know which one is Uniek. We watched her sad delivery of Star and the arrival of Rising Star which let us be sad and yet excited that they had each other and the beautiful relationship that developed between them. Fans' feelings of attachment to the Queen come from that and our happiness at her expecting was like a collective sigh of joy that we would see a little piece of her arrive. For me, I have observed both Uniek and Reintje with particular interest, anxious to see what the new foals would look like, colt or filly, and what names they would get. This news came as such a shock and I prayed immediately for mother, baby, and for you, Yvonne. Beyond sad, there isn't a strong enough word to describe just how sad. To see Uniek looking for her foal, to see Yvonne so upset, was heart-wrenching and continues to be. As faithful viewers, we do all feel like we have an attachment and investment in Uniek's (and the others') lives. Love connects us to each other, to you, Yvonne, and the others who care for the Friesian horses, and for the horses themselves. I find I am sitting here and praying for a new foal to need a mother. I know I am projecting, but I felt like Uniek was sad and unsettled as she walked around her stall and later in the pasture. Finding out the 'why' of it all will be a way of closure and learning. Sending my love and prayers and deep-felt sorrow for this loss. Hugs to you, Yvonne as well as for the Queen.


This dear mare won my heart when she did her little dance at the sight of the foal that Janet brought. She was so happy to see him and claimed him as her own. A truly special moment and one I will never forget. 🦌


Poor Uniek. Maybe her body needs a long rest from pregnancies even if vets say it's ok. She is definitely a mare that has been a great mom to all her foals, even her adopted son Risey. It made no difference to her, she loved Risey so much. Sending loving thoughts to Uniek ❤️


Thank you Yonne for letting us know that Uniek is ok. I'm still very sad about the loss of her foal, but relieved knowing she is fine and doing well. Take care.💔


Yvonne all l can say is please know that you. Uniek, Risey, and everyone at Stal G are loved all over the world! We look at Uniek and feel like she is part of our lives. She gives us so much happiness and so do you! You have a YouTube family and we want only the best! Uniek is one loved horse! So special!


Sorry to hear that she lost another foal! She was an amazing foster mother to Rising Star! Best wishes from northern Illinois USA.


I’m so very sorry for you and for Uniek. It’s heartbreaking to see her looking for her lost foal. After being such a wonderful foster mom to Rising Star, she (and you) really deserved a happy outcome this time. Glad she’s making a good recovery and looking as beautiful as always, and that the other mares haven’t been exposed to any harmful virus. Much love and sympathy.


I would never dream about arguing about what happened. I cried when you posted the sad news before and I've cried everyday since. Uniek is a special horse to many around the world, Yvonne she's and Risey are your babies, I'm certain that you have had many tears to fall from your eyes just like others at Stall G have had too. It's hard when you lose your foal like this or in any other manner. I love you all at Stall G and I hope that Uniek continues to do well, big hugs to you all from the United States


So glad Uniek is okay! Very sad for the loss of her foal, but Rising Star still has beautiful and loving Mama Uniek. 🐎❤️🐎


I'm so sorry Yvonne. I'm glad that Uniek is doing well. I was very happy that you offered Uniek as a foster again! It was the first thing that I thought of, because she did amazing with Rising Star! Thank you for sharing everything with us viewers. We may only be on the outside looking in, but you make us feel like we are part of everything that goes on, and I sincerely thank you.


I'm so sorry to hear this. I just recently started to follow Uniek and Rising Star's journey. I fell in love with both horses. Uniek is an amazing mother and I wish nothing but the best for her!


Oh Yvonne I just want to hug you both so much, neither of you deserved to go through the loss of a foal again. Thinking of you and Uniek ❤️❤️❤️


I'm so sorry for your pain. Unique has achieved what almost no other horse has done: fostering an orphan foal within 24 hours of losing her own. Such joy when she found Risey, such joy from Risey! Such joy for all of us viewers. Cry to release, but do not fret. Sending love from Wisconsin USA.


Poor sweet Uniek! Heartbreaking, lots of love sent to her! A lot of us love her too and hate to see this happen to her! She’s a great Mom, she was incredible with Rising Star ❤️❤️❤️


This is heartbreaking. I'm crying right now for the loss of this foal. My thoughts go out to you and all the folks at Stal G. It's so sad to see Uniek looking for her baby. Hope that she is okay and recovers from the birth without issues.


I wish I could be there to give Yvonne and Uniek the biggest hugs after suffering another tragic loss. I felt tears welling up the more I listened. I send my love and condolences to them and everyone else involved.💔💔💔😥
