Math 205 Lecture 8 - More on limits and Continuity

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Welcome to lecture 8 of Math 205 ST - Elements of Calculus.

In tonight's lecture we talk about continuity. A property of graphs that do not break or have gaps on some interval. Essentially, a function is continuous in a region if we can draw it in that region without lifting our pencil off the page. We look at how to determine if such a thing happens using limits. Figuring out where functions are continuous is important, as calculus will only work where a function is continuous.

We also talk some more about limits. In particular, we talk more about limits at infinity and infinite limits. With this, we end this section.

In the next lecture (two lectures from now since the next lecture is a test), we will apply limits to finding what we call the Derivative. One of the super important tools we mentioned in lecture 2. It's going to be awesome. Stay tuned.
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