COMPLETE FURINA GUIDE! Best Furina Build - Artifacts, Weapons, Teams & Showcase | Genshin Impact

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The Hydro Archon, Furina, is FINALLY HERE. This video covers everything you need to know to build & play her!

Thanks to Zajef77 for the Weapon Ranking:

edited by me and xxalanchangxx:

Likes & subs are appreciated, thanks!
Hope you enjoy the longer, detailed guide!
Initial Info (0:00)
Abilities & Playstyle [Detailed] (0:33)
How Good is Furina? [Review & Comparison] (7:49)
Artifact Sets (10:53)
Artifact Stats [How Much ER?] (12:48)
Best Weapons [ALL Weapons Ranked] (14:47)
Constellations [How Good Are They?] (18:43)
Best HEALERS for Furina [Ranking ALL Healers] (21:18)
Best Furina Teams [Important] (24:54)
C0 Furina Team DPS Showcase [Abyss 12] (30:05)
Overall Thoughts (32:11)
Song: K-391 - Earth [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
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edit: 2:13 I said under instead of over 50% hp (i explain it correctly shortly after anyways but yeah)

I hope you guys appreciate the longer video, Furina is VERY unique kit and I really wanted to include as much information as I could for all of you <3 (timestamps included ofc)
Let me know what you guys think & I'll try to be even faster for future character guides ♥


i knew me skippin the dragonspine event in 1.2 was gonna come back and bite me 💀


The video length feels fine, she's a complex character with a lot of team options and you did a great job covering all of them.


She's such a well designed character I love her. She doesn't feel like a powercreep but a way to introduce new team comps (such as Cyno quickbloom that need slow hydro app and long uptimes) and give value to healers and hypercarries (especially ones that are selfish and don't use NA's like Neuvi and so won't get much mileage with Xingxiu or Yelan). I know some ppl are disappointed in her kit but she has tough competition and I would much rather her need a healer rather than have her powercreep Kokomi out of existence by having strong self heals, or just become a stronger Mona. it's no fun pulling other characters that will get the "just play Nahida" effect and I think Furina avoids this pretty well.


The support who needs a support to support


I noticed that most content creators don't say this but to add to her pneuma healing skill, if you like playing coop, you can use furina as the solo sustain healer since her pneuma heals active characters hence she heals all coop character. I've tested it and you can easily get max fanfare stacks by swapping ousia and pneuma in coop.


23:50 Barbara's skill heals all party members as well, just not passively. While auto-attacking or charged attacking, she heals everyone, just like Kokomi does during her burst. Still less healing than Kokomi, but it's useful to know that you can heal all party members with skill.


I DIDN'T EVEN REALISE 30 MINUTES HAVE PASSED!! i love the guide, thank you! it's very detailed. i was trying so hard to understand what her skill is like and you break them down easily.


I’m sure he brings this professional energy into his streams!


What an informative guide! So calm and collected and down to earth. I wonder how this youtuber is on his Twitch platform!


wow zy0x what a calm and collected guide, i especially liked the part about marechaussee hunter and vermillion hereafter, which zy0x has definitely not spent 70k resin on and gotten nothing! truly one of the most youtubers/streamers/throat artists of all time!


I want to note that running Lyney and Lynette with her(and a pyro healer like Bennett bc he has such good uptime on burst) you have an amazing Fontaine exploration team! None of the characters will be at max dmg but they can still work together and make exploration easier with all of their passives.


What makes me love her kit even more is that it enables healers to shine especially early characters like jean and noelle


I love how long this guide is. It was really satisfying how deep it went into her kit and teams 🥰😊🥰


Great guide. I especially liked the best healer breakdown.

Special mention should go to Dori, specifically at C6, where her skill gives her normal attacks Electro infusion AND team healing properties. Give her an Aggravate build, and she basically becomes an self-sustaining Electro Noelle.

This means that C6 Dori can absolutely SLAP in a Quickbloom team with Furina while easily maintaining max Fanfare stacks as the party's sole healer. I can't test this myself, but it could be fun for those that can.

I know that only a precious few people use Dori, but I thought it was worth mentioning.


As someone who just got her this was very helpful!!! I really enjoyed this longer video, as it allowed for a more in depth guide which I really needed haha. Can't wait to use this flamboyant little lady!


zyonix thank you for this calm and collected guide on the hydro archon furina, such a calm and collected youtuber and streamer a role model for everyone


I was genuinely waiting for your guide! Thank you!


I honestly didn't even realize this guide was longer than usual, loved it!


2:13 a little mistake, if you have 4 characters OVER 50% hp, not under 50%.
You can see it in the skill description “if characters with MORE THAN 50% hp are nearby then members (her pets) will increase their current attack power based on the number of such characters “
