Tom Walker - Better Half of Me (Lyrics)

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🎧 Tom Walker - Better Half of Me (Lyrics)
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👉Tom Walker:


🎤 Lyrics: Tom Walker - Better Half of Me (Lyrics)

[Verse 1]
You'll always be my number one
A whole lot more than good enough
I’m giving everything I've got to gain every second lost
Six years just ain't enough
With you, I’m happy being me
Don't pretend, 'cause I don't need to
I'm a thousand miles from home, never on my own
When you whisper down the phone

Well, I guess we never saw this coming
Halfway around the world calling
But I just want you to know

That I'd have all I need
If you were standing right in front of me
I'll finally see what it means to be complete
Don't need to spend our lives chasing gold
Anywhere with you, I’ll call my home
Oh, I’d have all I need
If you'd be the better half of me

[Verse 2]
I’m still up, it's 4 AM
Is this Amsterdam or Berlin?
I'm just waiting for the day I finally get to say
These words face to face

Well, I guess we never saw this coming
Halfway around the world calling
But I just want you to know

That I'd have all I need
If you were standing right in front of me
I’ll finally see what it means to be complete
Don't need to spend our lives chasing gold
Anywhere with you, I'll call my home
Oh, I'd have all I need
If you'd be the better half of me
I'd have all I need
If you were standing right in front of me
I'll finally see what it means to be complete
Don't need to spend our lives chasing gold
Anywhere with you, I'll call my home
Oh, I'd have all I need
If you'd be the better half of me

If you'd be the better half of me
Yeah, will you be the better half of me?
Will you be the better half of me?

#TomWalker #BetterHalfofMe #Lyrics
Рекомендации по теме

Do you think you've found your better half?


Lockdown 2020 brought me here, sounds so diffrent when you cant physically see the one you love so much.


Met the love of my life, he brought joy beyond belief to my life and this October we'll be getting married 🥺💕


I live in the UK and I sent this video to a woman who I fell in love with from South Africa, and I told her that the lyrics represent my feelings towards her. And she loves this song as well. Thank you Tom for creating magnificent music.


I found my better half, but we live 5000 miles apart. I can't wait for the day I get to see his smile in person. He's the one that makes me whole 😊


I love all your songs and I've listened all of them my favourite song is be the better half of me


" I'm just waiting for the day I finally get to say these words face to face"
I can relate.


i love this song so much this is on my wedding list if i do find my perfect man;(


I found my better half, she's perfect, she's the most beautiful person I've ever seen, and I've honestly never felt this way about anyone, I see my future with her, and I know that without her, I wouldn't be the person I am today, I would've given up a long time ago, and I love and appreciate her more than anyone and anything in this world <33


My girlfriend sent me this and it is the sweetest thing ever! I love this song! I’m the luckiest man to have her in my life and she makes me willing to wait the next 3 long years before I can call her my own! We live five hours apart and it’s hard sometimes not being able to see her that often but it’s worth the wait when I do. She is definitely the better half of me!


One day I’ll find my better half of me……that’s exactly what I’m looking for x


I love this song so much I can’t stop listening to it 😍


My fiance' showed this song to me and I started bawling my eyes out. He lives across the pond from me so this song hit hard. (Coming from an american man engaged to a british man)


Tom walker an dlewis capaldi are the bezt ever singers


I love Tom Walker, His songs are so amazing he is such a good singer/ song writer.


This song really reminds me of my better half.. or rather better two thirds.. the people who complete me and the people I love most, both my best friends and potential love interests.. the girl I like already likes me back, though our relationship is complicated since she's already with someone, she's going through tough times and I'm trying to help her be as strong as possible. And the boy I like just isn't interested in love, though he is certainly someone I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with, he's sweet, cute, and passionate about the things he likes. He always tries to make a point and though he's easy to convince it's hard to change his mind if he truly likes something. I'm glad I gotten to know these people and though the past year we've known eachother has been quite hard, I hope I can someday spend my life with these two. I love you both for brightening up my whole world and really bringing me out of my shell. ❤️

Thank you.

2020 really having me commenting about my life like this lol.


I’m having this at my wedding when we do a wedding xxx


That song is great. It brings back so many memories


the relationship with me and my computer 🥰


I haven’t found my other half yet but this song gives me hope !!
