Wix Blank Template Tutorial | How to Create a Wix Website from Scratch

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Wix Blank Template Tutorial | How to Create a Wix Website from Scratch

In this video I show you How You Can Create your own Website From Scratch for FREE Using Wix with easy to follow steps in 2025. Wix is an Amazing platform which allows you to create Your Own Customized Website.

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Hi there. I just started making my own site and I am having issues with the strips always showing up at the top header section. I want them underneath each section I am creating in order. I did find an arrow icon to hit but it only goes so far and the last strip I am working on can not move to the bottom. ARGHHHH! Do I have to start again?


Hello. What is those long lines on the sides. Does the website have to be in the middle between those vertical lines?


Can't know how I stopmed onto this. All in all GREAT video 🙌🙌. I also watched those rather similar from mStarTutorials and kinda wonder how you guys make these vids. MStar Tutorials also had cool information about similiar money making things on his vids.
