Severe Earthquake Warning for California in September 2020
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Attention Citizens of California, Attention Citizens of Oregon, Attention Citizens of Washington, Attention Citizens of Vancouver British Columbia Canada and Attention Citizens of Baja California Mexico. Earthquake Warning has been Issued for California and it will be 9.0 or Greater Magnitude Earthquake People in California you have to be Prepared for Earthquake it will occur in September 2020 the Earthquake Will be So Powerful in California It May Destroy Lots of Houses It May Destroy all kinds of Telephone Poles It May Destroy all kinds of Transformers and It May Knock all the Telephone Poles Over in California People in California Be Prepared Have your Medical Kits, Flashlights, Candles, Crank Up Radio and Have your Everything Ready. The Earthquake will be So Powerful in California it may Destroy Everything the Earthquakes are Too Unpredictable and We Can't Predict Earthquakes. Golden Gate Bridge May Collapse it will affect Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho The Earthquake will be So Powerful and it may Destroy Everything People in California Be Prepared for Major Earthquake in September 2020.