A primer on OSLC in Sparx Enterprise 11 with Cloud Services
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The new version of EA provides OSLC features when it comes to requirements management. Get a feel of what all of this is about.
A primer on OSLC in Sparx Enterprise 11 with Cloud Services
OSLC Config Primer, a gentle introduction to the OSLC Config specification with David Honey
Getting started with OSLC (enhanced)
Jama Connect - Enterprise Architect Integration based on OSLC
OSLC Integration Advantages -- with Demo of System Architect and DOORS NG
[Episode 23] The MBSE Podcast - Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC)
Linked Data and OSLC for Tool Interoperability - Part 1/2
Introduction to OSLC access and debugging using your browser
Demo of using a Lyo-OSLC based Perl script
RRC With OSLC API demo
Introduction to Cloud Services
Integrity Modeler - OSLC Integration for Requirements Management
OSLC service discovery and navigation using your browser
How to create and use OSLC links with Jira and IBM ELM Global Configurations // User Training
Linked Data and OSLC for Tool Interoperability - Part 2/2
A Primer on Set-based Innovation - Durward Sobek
OSLCFest Day1 Eran Gery IBM
OSLCfest 2022: Building Semantic Web of Software Assets
OSLCfest 2022: OSLC is the Answer - But what are the Questions?
Highlights of Eclipse Lyo Milestone 1 (OSLC webcast series)
OSLCFest Day1 Horst Kargl Sparx
Reducing system integration costs with OSLC and data federation
Share EA Packages | SharePoint Integration
Bitesized Insight from Sir Tom Hunter, West Coast Capital