Sheep Dog Demonstration - Ireland

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Sheep Dog Demonstration - Ireland SEE MORE IINFO IN TEXT BELOW VIDEO
Kells Sheep Center : Brenden demonstrates how essential it is for the farmer to use sheep dogs in handling sheep. On the farm a shepherd and his dogs move large numbers of sheep over wide areas all day long.

Lambs are born in April and at about two weeks of age they and their mother (ewes) are put to graze in the mountains. Grazing is communal and ownership of the sheep has to be indicated by marking them with an identifying colour. Sheep and lambs are taken to and from the mountains several times each summer -- for example, to shear the wool, or for animal health purposes or to cull some animals for market. The need for all these movements makes the use of dogs essential. Sheepdogs, usually border collies, are trained to both word command and whistle command, to work wide around the sheep and to move them quietly and slowly towards the shepherd. When sheep are being brought from the mountains, the shepherd and one dog select sheep with the right markings and the dog minds them; the other dog drives the unwanted sheep back to the mountains.

Video produced by the LCF Group, LCF Group consisting of David Larsen KK4WW, Gaynell Larsen KK4WWW and Dee Wallace KG4VMI.. The LCF Group ( 1-540-745-2322 )

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I was stationed at RAF Woodbridge in Suffolk England back in the 80s. I broke my leg and was bedridden for several weeks. That was when I discovered on BBC1 or BBC2 the wonderful world of sheep dog trials. I laid there in bed with my jaw dropped in my lap watching those dogs and their owners do things that I would have thought impossible, had I not seen it with my own eyes. My family never had a dog, just cats (because my step-mother was allergic to dogs) Needless to say that I had no idea how skilled the shepherds were and how intelligent the breeds were. I counted myself lucky to have landed this assignment. My five plus years stationed in the U.K was almost a day to day wonderment of the people and their pets and working dog. I never go to bars in the United States, but I had after of a year or so of living in leaston earned the grudging acceptance of my local pubs patrons. The Parrot and Punchbowl was the Pub I would go to after work for a pint and good conversation, not to mention the attention of several of my friends dogs. ( I always carried treats) Needless to say in my opinion if you don't allow mans best friend into the pub to socialize, than your country is not civilized. I visited Scotland, Wales, and Ireland and absolutely fell in love with all. I wish I could afford to retire in Leastone and live out my life surrounded my honest decent folk, and their dogs.


Just got back from Ireland. This shepherd continues to show this wonderful demonstration in 2019. Thanks David for making this video so I can always look back to it for this beautiful memory!


I visited this same demonstration in August of 2011. At that time, I think Max, the younger dog, was just in training. Sort of acting as an "intern." The shepherd was about to retire his older dog. It was my favorite thing about our trip around Ireland. 


I am recovering from my fall from roof in June 2012 - I broke my leg, wrist and cracked pelvis. Good thing and blessing - I did not do more damage and have got back to functioning in all regards. Still have some healing but will not do anymore roof work. My wife and I just returned from Ireland and had a grand time. Posted several video's from trip. Dave KK4WW


I had the luck of meeting this man and attending one of his showings. Absolutely amazing. Will definitely go again if I get the chance.


Amazing to see the shepherd and dogs working together in such harmony. Those dogs are wicked smart and so beautiful!


Great explanations for the audience. I was not sure if the Shepard was whistling or he had an actual whistle. Those dogs are brilliant and love to work. The Shepard must have put in a lot of training time. 👏


am from Pakistan, this old shepherd presentation is awesome with simple English language filled in funny words and the way he expressed. I liked it. am a writer but I wished I could be a shepherd in these countries like New Zealand, Australia, Ireland etc


Amazing. After watching this video our border collie's herding behaviour makes so much sense. He also loves to fetch for hours. Such smart animals. Great shepherd and beautiful sheep too. 


Hi - Thank you for looking at our video - We sure did enjoy this trip to Ireland. The Collies are just great . Dave KK4WW Computer Collector Historian.


I am irish, but to me this is very strange, but if you come from another and live in an urban area sheepdog herding is something new and exciting and fair play to the farmer for spotting a gap in the market only a kerryman could.


Amazing! very good explained. Thanks for sharing


He is a great shepherd and a great trainer


Great job on this video! Thanks Kells for allowing it.


Thank you for the nice comment - Dave KK4WW Computer Collector Historian and visitor to Ireland.


Thanks for sharing this video!😁 I will try to find a tour from Dublin to go see this as I would to see them🐑


We are located in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains - Floyd County Virginia. The LCF Group produces all the videos on our LCF Group channel and welcomes all your comments on any of our several hundred videos


Awesome video!! I LOVE IT!! :) Thank you for sharing it


Awesome. i saw it live a few years ago and am happy to see this video on youtube now.


This is incredible to watch. I really want to get one.
