Top 10 American Presidents

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Here are the top ten greatest presidents in American history:

1 Ronald Reagan
2 George Washington
3 Abraham Lincoln
4 Thomas Jefferson
5 Franklin Roosevelt
6 Harry Truman
7 Theodore Roosevelt
8 Andrew Jackson
9 Dwight Eisenhower
10 James K. Polk

Number Ten. James K. Polk. He annexed Texas, the Southwest, the Oregon territory and actually bought the state of California from Mexico. Make no mistake, he was a tough customer who played fast and dirty to get it all done.

Number Nine. Dwight Eisenhower. During his presidency America was the richest and most powerful nation on earth.

Number Eight. Andrew Jackson. He disrupted a rigged system, fighting against a second national bank and for a while, he drained the swamp.

Number Seven. Theodore Roosevelt. A letter day Andrew Jackson, he broke up the crony capitalism that was strangling the free enterprise system of his day. He gave us the national parks. He built a modern navy and then built the Panama Canal to make it effective on two oceans. But he used a heavy hand to get it all done.

Number Six. Harry Truman. Unlike Barack Obama, Harry Truman assumed responsibility for everything he did and actually had a sign on his desk that read, "The buck stops here." Tough and honest, he used the nuclear bomb to end World War Two and arguably saved the lives of millions more.

Number Five. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He may have presided over the largest transfer of wealth in world history.

For 100 years the British had practically ruled the world with oil, timber, gold and diamonds flowing into its treasuries. But after Hitler conquered Europe, Britain needed arms. Only America could supply the demand and FDR insisted on hard currency, gold, for every purchase. America rocketed out of the Great Depression.

Only when Britain had coughed up the last nugget from the last closet did FDR agree to loan the Brits money to buy even more.

Number Four. Thomas Jefferson. His Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States. He was a co-author of the Declaration of Independence and his ideas on liberty changed the world. Jeffersonian principles are still debated by politicians to this day.

Number Three. Abraham Lincoln. Modern revisionist historians have trouble with Lincoln's loose interpretation of the Constitution. Other's complain that Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation left a million slaves still in bondage. But no one can deny that Lincoln saved the union and he is for all time, the great emancipator, the man who freed the slaves.

Number Two. George Washington. The Constitution did not offer detail in defining the role of the chief executive. Washington defined it by his actions. The people wanted him to be their king but he would not have it. He served two terms and then walked away from power. Nobody does that.

Number One. Ronald Reagan. One could argue that Washington made us what we are and Lincoln saved the union. But Ronald Reagan saved mankind. He ended the Cold War and freed us from the danger of Mutually Assured Destruction.

Nobody else saw it coming.

Historians said we were headed into a communist era. Media was frightened by Reagan's bravado and provocative rhetoric. They were outraged when he referred to the Soviet Union as the "evil empire." But Reagan believed in America and believed in freedom. He spoke and the Berlin Wall came down.

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Where's President Coolidge, he had the national unemployment rate down to 1.8% during his presidency and followed the Constitution to the letter. In addition to cutting the federal budget in half!


1. Ronald Reagan
2. Donald Trump
3. Abraham Lincoln
4. George Washington
5. Calvin Coolidge
6. Thomas Jefferson
7. Andrew Jackson
8. James Madison
9. James Monroe
10. Dwight D. Eisenhower


Washington, Trump, Reagan, Lincoln, Ted Roosevelt, Jackson, Truman, Polk, Coolidge, John Kennedy


Get rid of Obama....the evidence is mounting.


Here’s my top ten
10: James Polk
9: Theodore Roosevelt
8: Andrew Jackson
7: Harry Truman
6: Dwight Eisenhower
5: Thomas Jefferson
4: James Monroe
3: George Washington
2: Ronald Reagan
1: Abraham Lincoln


I completely agree with this top ten, except the top 3 and the order they were placed.
3: Ronald Reagan, 2: George Washington, 1: Abraham Lincoln


From my conservative perspective,

1. George Washington
2. Thomas Jefferson
3. Abraham Lincoln
4. Theodore Roosevelt
5. James Madison
6. Ronald Reagan
7. Dwight D. Eisenhower
8. Calvin Coolidge
9. James K. Polk
10. James Monroe

Side note: Andrew Jackson is a horrible president. Sick of the apologists. He did some good things like taking on corruption in the gov’t and breaking the bank, but he was a truly evil man, and the Indian Removal Act was a travesty.


Great interview with Katie Pavlich tonight. Glad you mentioned this vid. Some may argue with your list but your arguments are rock solid. Make more.


My list 🙂
10. James K. Polk
9. Theodore Roosevelt
8. Ronald Reagan
7. Harry S. Truman
6. William McKinley
5. John F. Kennedy
4. Franklin D. Roosevelt
3. Thomas Jefferson
2. Abraham Lincoln
1. George Washington


#1 Ronald Wilson Reagan. May you always R.I.P Gipper!


1. FDR
2. John F. Kennedy
3. Obama
4.Lyndon Johnson
5. Ronald Reagan


1. Washington/Lincoln/FDR.
2. Washington/Lincoln/FDR.
3. Washington/Lincoln/FDR.
4. The rest of them.


My list of great 🇺🇸 President s top 10
1. Donald Trump
2. Ronald Reagan
3. Aberham Lincoln
4. George Washington
5. Dwight Eisenhower.
6. Harry Truman.
7. John F Kennedy
8. George HW Bush
9. Theodore Roosevelt
10. James Polk


Here’s my list
10. William McKinley
9. William Howard Taft
8. James k Polk
7. Theodore Roosevelt
6. John F. Kennedy
5. Thomas Jefferson
4. Ronald Regan
3. Franklin d Roosevelt
2. George Washington
1. Abraham Lincoln


Millard Fillmore opened trade with Japan, his support of the 1850 Compromise delayed the Civil War for a decade, he personally fought a blaze that attacked the Library of Congress, created the White House Library, donated books from his own library to replace the ones that were destroyed by the fire at the Library Of Congress, he humbly declined an honorary degree from Oxford because he felt like he didn't earn it. 😊


Here’s mine:
1. George Washington
2. Dwight D. Eisenhower
3. Abraham Lincoln
4. Theodore Roosevelt
5. Franklin D. Roosevelt
6. Harry S. Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Lyndon B. Johnson
10. Ronald Reagan


I think Andrew Jackson was one of the worst. He forced the Natives from their homes, and even after the Supreme Court told him not to, and ruled it unconstitutional, he still did it. He was one of the closest we ever got to a dictator- But that’s just my opinion


1. Reagan, 2. JFK, 3. Teddy Roosevelt, 4. FDR, 5. Lincoln, 6. Jefferson, 7. Eisenhower, 8. Truman, 9. Washington, 10. LBJ


My Top 10: (Not including the current president, as his term isn’t finished)
1. Lincoln
2. Jefferson
3. Reagan
4. Washington
5. Teddy Roosevelt
6. Monroe
7. Eisenhower
8. Coolidge
9. H W Bush
10. Nixon


Top 5:

5: Nixon
4: Washington
3: Trump (room to go up)
2: Lincoln
1: Reagan
