Why A Man Doesn't Want To SLEEP With His Woman Anymore

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Why A Man Doesn't Want To SLEEP With His Woman Anymore... In today's dating and relationship advice video, I will explain why a man doesn't want to sleep with his woman anymore when dating or in a relationship. The reasons why a man doesn't want to sleep with his woman anymore will amaze you and challenge common misconceptions about intimacy in relationships. Embrace this relationship advice to learn why he doesn't want to sleep with you and ensure you watch the full video.

When a man doesn't want to sleep with you, it can be a sensitive and challenging issue to navigate, but taking the initiative and having an open, honest conversation with him is crucial. Unresolved resentments or lingering conflicts between partners can create emotional distance and be a reason why a man doesn't want to sleep with you. Pay attention to this dating advice for women to understand men better to tell when a man doesn't want to sleep with you.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you can enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Why a man doesn't want to sleep with you
- Reasons a man doesn't want to sleep with you
- He doesn't want to sleep with you
- A man doesn't want to sleep with you
- When a man doesn’t want to sleep with you
- Online dating
- Sleep with you
- Dating advice for women
- Relationship coach
- Dating expert
- Understand men
- Dating expert
- Life advice
- Relationship advice for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.


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I hope you enjoyed my video "Why A Man Doesn't Want To SLEEP With His Woman Anymore"

Watch this dating advice video next: A Man Is LOYAL To You If You See THESE 9 Signs


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I'm a woman and I have been rejected so many times by the man I am "with" I honestly can't even try to flirt or insinuate sexual contact with him anymore. It is too traumatic. Spending hours trying to look sexy and attractive, money spent on lingerie and makeup, sending nude photos etc ....all to just be rejected and ignored. I dont even try to look nice for him anymore, i just dress for me now. It is unfortunate but if he doesnt appreciate it then why bother?!


Ive experienced this before. I think for a woman to go through this it can be very humiliating as we are so used to hearing it the other way round. This could be due to many reasons: depression, low levels of testosterone, chronic wanking, porn addiction, lack of love, there’s someone else and others. It’s important to consider all possibilities. I’m sorry if you’re a woman going through this. Remember you’re still sexy, beautiful and attractive regardless of this one man not wanting to sleep with you anymore ❤


Withholding is a form of control. If the man knows you want it and they are passive aggressive withholding is a way for them to feel powerful/in control. It’s manipulative. Talking, having a discussion, getting counseling is resisted because they don’t want to go to their emotionally vulnerable place. They want to feel in control.

It’s very sad.


Dear Stephan, I am so grateful that you posted this. I recently dated a man where intimacy died 7 months into the relationship. I tried to speak and be supportive, but he wouldn’t open up. He was everything I ever wanted in a partner, and he was so attentive and good to me. Yet, intimacy was an issue, and something he just brushed under the rug. My self esteem tanked, I began to doubt his loyalty, I even suspected that he might have a different sexual preference. I addressed the issue, and did not succeed. So, I had to walk away- and he let me do so without any remorse. It’s been three months, and I’m still torn. Seeing this video has been helpful to bring some calm to my soul, and heart. Thank you for your work and words and helping shed some light to those of us when we are walking in darkness.


I’m a woman and I thought a beautiful one. I’ve been told I was. After so much rejection or just the pattern of being able to bet on him not asking has become so degrading. And confusing and belittling. All he cares about is money and reaping the benefits of my love. I am leaving.


I recently left a 5 year relationship because we wasn’t having sex. It definitely left me feeling unwanted. He blamed it on it’s just something that happens in long term relationships. I wanted to blamed it on ED but he had no issues with self pleasure. Ultimately I believe over the years we just friend zoned each other.


I was married for 23 years. I went through a sexual drought for 6 months. Why? He was using his energy having an affair. When i found out i divorced him. End of story.


Stephan you forgot one. Another reason he stops sleeping with you is because he’s using you as a beard and he really likes men and your relationship is just for show. Let’s talk about it because it’s happening.


I treat my man like gold every single day. I cook. I clean. I surprise him with things he loves. I wear sexy outfits and never let myself go. When we met 7 months ago he was all about me. I never said no and I always kept things spicy. I wear lingerie and am willing to do anything he wants . But lately he just passes out by 8-9pm and yet gets out of work earlier than me. I have a physical job thats fast paced and usually leave exhausted but I never stop trying to be sexy for him. I still feel like I did when I fell in love with him. I shouldn’t still feel this shy after dating someone for 7 months.


Yo that first point was a HUGE issue in the relationship I just left. It broke my heart and took a toll on my self esteem because he was NOT willing to work on intimacy with me. It left me feeling chroniclly rejected among all our other issues that led me to leaving the relationship. So sad, I wish that could have been worked through as I have so much love for him❤ sadly he physcially wasn't taking care of himself too and no matter what I did to try and motivate him or help him, he did NOT change or improve for months...as I said, we had manyyy other issues, but this one really hurt my self esteem over time. I hope he finds the woman who will motivate him to change, to grow and to be fully invested in himself - it clearly wasn't me😢


Thank you Stephan! It’s interesting that on your list of reasons you haven’t mentioned porn addiction which mess up with men’s head and let them live in a phantasy world.


If other aspects of relationship keep falling out of order consistently and a partner continues to fail and betrays the relationship, the respect is gone, and so is the desire for intimacy at any level: emotional, relational, mental, sexual


If a couple goes that long without relations, unless its a condition, then he fell out of love and he is trying to figure out how to leave. Not saying its not someone else but if he just fell out of love then the relationship is probably over.


What if it’s a combination of these things, you’ve shown him love and support without guilt or humiliation for years, yet he still refuses to get help for ED and mental health/depression? Going almost 8 yrs without, about to turn 50, in the best shape of my life, wondering where my life is heading in this.


Happened since before we married and only got worse the next 25 years. Addiction caused emotional unavailability which brought years of pain. Promises that it would get better never happened. I would never have married if I knew how much pain his addiction would cause me, devastating. I offered to walk with him thru recovery and he said no. I wish he would have spoken up to let me know how my behaviors may have needed to change, that’s honoring to your partner.


What about a man rejecting a woman! Im in it, I feel like crap, he says he feels shame, says when we get married we will have time for that, WTH why would i marry a man who does not want sex now but maybe or not after marriage, im not taking that chance.


Too complicated. I feel I will never be enough. I will stay single.


For years I've been struggling to understand why my dad cheated on my mother. It never occurred to me about the emotional disconnect thing and it makes total sense in his case.


Some men might take issue with the feminine hygiene of the woman. In my first serious relationship, my girlfriend over time started to slack when it came to her feminine hygiene. It made physical intimacy difficult, and the relationship suffered. Years later, I met someone else that I really connected with, and we eventually married…3 years into the marriage, the same thing started to happen. She started to slack with her feminine hygiene, and our sex life suffered. How does a man tell his wife, she has a problem with her feminine hygiene?…I eventually tried to talk to her about it, and she claimed, there was no problem. I pointed out how in the beginning, she was more active with her feminine hygiene. She became obstinate in the marriage, which lead to marriage counseling. The counselor pointed out that my concerns were valid, and that this was a common issue in relationships. She did not like what the counselor had to say, and remained obstinate. The marriage continued to suffer and eventually failed. It is extremely disrespectful to your partner to try and engage in physical intimacy, but not maintain good personal hygiene.


What if you’re the woman and always being rejected by your male partner. They say sex is not as important for them. But when they are alone they are self pleasuring, so what does this mean?
