Are Cancer & Libra Compatible? | Zodiac Love Guide

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I am a Libra lady and I am gonna love and protect my cancer sweety for the rest of my life! 💕❤💋 I love him more than anything in this world!


I sincerely know that this union is ideal! The euphoria between a Libra man and a Cancer woman has an outstanding companionship which can teach other people about true love.. They may be indifferent at time, but they can draw each other to a new realm of passion, soul intertwine vibrations!! I hope to see more Libra men and Cancer women within a union as this will help people know how to love one another like they do! 😘💎✊🏿💎 stay strong!


I'm a cancer female, my boyfriend is a libra male ♡


Why is it that every time a cancer is un-compattible with someone it's always their own fault??


I'm a Libra, I always attract Cancers and we get along so well we just bounce off each other xD


Libras make their own money thank u very much and are fine not being in a relationship


Libras are not gold diggers we love having our own shit it's when we start to feel used by that person that's when we tend to sit back and say take care of me there's a certain button that's pushed in a libra for that to happen


Im a cancarisn in love with s Libran the best match ever...
Its taken 25yrs for us to be with each other....
Im not needy or controlling
An any relationship can be hard work no matter what Star Sign they are


This is very true. My Libra boyfriend doesn't understand the intensity of my emotions and i tend to have mood swings which is the cause of the little fights we have. He ignores them and tries to get past it but i dnt like that because whenever we have an argument he brings up all the problems or doubts he has about me which really hurts. But what i have come to understand is that Libras, especially my boyfriend, are actually kind of emotional too, maybe not as strong as us Cancers but it is all the same because i realise he feels so much but the difference is where i let my emotions affect me, he brushes his aside, well the negative ones. We make the relationship work by being totally honest, if we need something from the other or we are not happy with something about the other we come right out and tell each other because we both value harmony and will work towards unity. The keys for cancers to have good relationships with Libras are trust, understanding or trying to understand, lots of expressions of love and communication. Its hard for Cancers to open up about themselves and it frustrates the Libras, but what i do, because i love my bf so much, is that we choose a time out of the week called sharing time. I share stuff about myself with him and even though he sometimes don't understand what am getting at, he tries to or he doesn't make it a big issue. Also, lastly, for this pairing to last, respect should be present because if the libra feels dissed they will get pissed and turn from you.I dnt c y we r such an incompatible pair;opposites attract and everything i lack my libra man has and vice versa and it is just a perfect balance


Someone tell me why cancer are always called “EMOTIONAL and CRYBABIES and CLINGY” but when we are like ok so let’s not be like that we get called “MANIPULATIVE” and “MEAN” and “RUDE”...


I'm a cancer and I don't have time for jealousy. ..I'm too beautiful for that shit.


I'm libra female and i have a crush on a cancer male


I'm a cancer and my boyfriend is a libra and we've been together for a year and yes we have our little arguments but we work so well and communicate at a really deep level. I'm always there for him protective of him I get jeleous but because I care and he sees that I care and he doesn't get mad but because I'm emotional and he's logical.but I love him and opposites attract♎♋💘


She keeps forgetting that Libras are independent people


I’m a Libra and my boyfriend is cancer, we are perfect


This completely reminds me of my Libra ex-girlfriend, when we started dating, for the first few months everything was amazing, spectacular, the best days of my life, it was us versus the world and we'd go on walks and go places and do that whole teenage rebellion.

But of course, later on in our relationship, there started to be issues, and arguments, and it seemed like there was no way out of it because it was a cycle, she cared, she just couldn't love me the same way I loved her, and you know, watching it fall apart like that I ended up becoming the reason for the arguments because I would break down in tears, and go to my absolute lengths to try to get back that magic that just wasn't there anymore and she was just fed up and needed space and eventually the only thing we could do was break up, which was really heart breaking for me, and affected me deeply for about a year and a half afterwards.


I'm pretty sceptical about zodiac signs, but this almost perfectly describes the relationship I, a libra man, had with my ex a cancer woman.


I am.a cancer.and my boyfriend is a libra...despite the differences for the both of us... we try our best to understand each other...


I'm a libra(and mostly acts like cancer) and my crush is cancer (mostly acts like libra) which is kinda crazy


I am a cancer and as much as i HATE to say it i am pretty emotional. But emotional for good reasons. I dont cry because my juice spilled on the floor or anything dumb like that but more like for someone else i will cry. But anyway this lady sounds really bias towards cancers haha in every video its always the other ones fault.
