Jaleco Lo Pro 25' - Rush'n Attack
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Just picked this cab up yesterday. Was running an Atari Tetris board. Removed the Tetris badging, with exception of the header on the bezel, which cannot be removed without damaging the bezel. Removed an ill-fitting piece of plexi, whose outline you can still see in the grime I am unable to clean off the CP. Replaced sticks and buttons. Tidied up the wiring internally. Replaced the power cable, which was frayed an intermittently arcing. The screen's got Tetris burn, so that will have to get swapped eventually. Plenty of other TLC that can be done to it, but it's in a good playable state at this point. All-in-all, a pretty sweet pick-up, perfect for this R'n'A board I've had sitting with no home, and a very unique cabinet.