Little Girl Tries to Hug Ostrich

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Little Girl Tries to Hug Ostrich
A very excited three-year-old tried to ‘hug’ an ostrich while feeding it through a car window at the Tennessee Safari Park in Alamo, Tennessee, in late August, though the ostrich was much more interested in the container of food.
Mother Tabatha Lynn Collins told Storyful that her daughter, Emma Grace Camp, adores animals and that they were regular visitors to the park.
“We are all scared of the ostriches, but not her. She kept saying she wanted to hug the big bird, and she did. We were all stunned,” Collins said.
The video shows Emma Grace pulling one of the birds further into the car and wrapping her arms around it. People urge Emma Grace to let go, joking that the ostrich was “trying to breathe!” The ravenous bird wriggles out from Emma Grace’s embrace and launches its beak back into the food container.
According to the safari park’s website, the resident ostriches and emus are not aggressive. “The birds are simply looking for feed from the visitors in the white cups,” the park staff says, but warns “any animal with a mouth can bite you!”
Credit: Tabatha Lynn Collins via Storyful

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“What’s it doing - it’s trying to breathe “ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Her hairstyle is giving Business in the front, Party in the back 😭😭


I like how ostrich said “GET YOUR HANDS OF ME”

Автор what a cute little 😂


You gon' give me some sugah!!!😆😆😆
She's too cute!


I bet you in 10 years time she will be the new Steve Irwin 😂😂


My newest Favorite video. She's SO Adorable. 💚


Little girl has some grit! Gonna do whatever she sets her mind to!!


Lmao...what a good laugh. That brighten up my day.. 😂


Hahahahahah that's a precious moment!


i mean yes this is cute and before anyone comes at me saying im cold hearted i completely understand shes a child. and i completely understand the ostrich could hurt her even more than she could it BUT. i mean you can see her squeezing the literal shit outta the ostriches neck, then screams “GIMME THAT ONE I WANT THAT ONE” holding out her hands in a chocking manner towards the bird😭🤦🏻‍♀️ im just saying i would have stopped her immediately because idk i love animals and even when i was a kid i understood if you want animal to love on you, and you love on it, you HAVE to be gentle. Because yes its a fricken ostrich one peck and shes gone with the wind, but imagine if that was a cat, or a dog. i would not want my kid running up to just any animal “I WANT THAT ONE” ready to choke it out. the animal doesn’t like or deserve it and not to mention again using a dog for example, it could get dangerous and they could attack out of annoyance. ive seen it happen, again it’s adorable that she has no fear and can play and feel comfortable around animals. Thats a good thing bc it shows she has interest and means no harm towards animals❤️


Kid is manhandling the animal, it does not like being grab like that, no hate on the kid she's young and doesn't know better. I'm pissed at the parents they should of stopped her from making another attempt. Watching this whole video made me feel a lot of anxiety, if the ostrich really wanted to, it could really hurt the girl, Luckily nothing happen.


This is not funny nor cute. Those poor animals.


Social Darwinism in action. Next episode she’ll be choking Komodo dragon!
