Higher Levels of Orderliness and Systemization Attract

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Higher Levels of Orderliness and Systemization Attract

This recording, originally written and narrated by Roy Posner as an audio in 2013, has now been upgraded to a video.
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Higher Levels of Orderliness and Systemization Attract

One of the hidden secrets of life is the enormous power of organization. Organization is that which keeps things in right order so life can thrive.

The most basic form of organization is cleanliness. When we take to higher levels of cleanliness not only does life around us become more presentable, but we tend to attract sudden good fortune!

For example, one desperate instructor without any work on the horizon decided to clean out his filthy refrigerator, and within one minute of completing that task attracted months’ worth of work out of nowhere at a time he had absolutely nothing!

Though higher levels of cleanliness can attract these marvelous results, cleanliness reaches its apex and perfection when it is accompanied by orderliness. When we put things in their proper place or arrange them in right order for easy access and retrieval, we also tend to attract magnificent response from life.

Let me give you another example:

A carpeting company in California we worked with had their tools and inventory strewn all about their stock yard. We then asked them to gather them up and put them in some logical order so they can be more easily retrieved when needed.

When we returned to their offices a few weeks later, the owner told us that the company had suddenly received a boatload of unexpected cash.

He also told us that they had cleaned up and organized all of the tools and inventory in the stockyard as we had recommended.

When we then suggested that there was a direct correlation between the sudden arrival of money and the effort to clean the stockyard, he smiled in a sign of recognition!

That is the power of orderliness to attract good fortune! When you make things more orderly, life responds -- with more money, more orders, more opportunity!

Another power of organization that attracts is systemization. If you take any activity you are engaged in and organize it in a systematic way, you are bounds to attract astonishing results from life.

This is exactly what happened to another business we know of.

What happened was that the company had put in considerable amount of time and effort developing a new software product; but after several months of trying had not yet generated a single sale!

Then a staff member decided to organize the software program for greater consistency; for improved ease of use; and a higher degree of integration among the parts.

The next morning, the business owner was stunned when the first order for the product came in over the web!

That is the life response power of systematizing anything in our lives; whether in our work or elsewhere. Unexpected, positive results come to us from out of nowhere.

So why not consider what aspect of your life needs to be better organized -- whether a messy desk, or an unorganized file cabinet, or the lists of tasks you do every day, or even a complex activity -- and then make that effort to improve it.

If you do, life will quickly return the favor in the most astonishing ways!
