The Transformation of Jordan River

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Hey everyone. This video has been a long time coming, thank you for your patience with me, as I’ve been on my own healing journey, changing, growing, and finding myself. I wanted to wait until the image of what I was to say was complete in my mind, and after the last trip to Rythmia, at long last, the time had come.

I’m very grateful for all of you, for all of your love and support over the years. Thank you for coming with me, learning and growing alongside me. It means the world to me, I don’t know where I’d be without you.

Special thanks to Rythmia, and everyone involved who made it possible for Spirit Science to be involved, and to participate in the ceremonies. It has brought so much clarity, healing, and understanding to so much of my life, and I’m so happy to finally be able to share this all with you.

Om Nama Shivaya, Om Shanti, Om
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who's here from Spirit science? 😉
Great and wonderful transformation 😊 bless us all


Jordan, you are so full of light and love... 20 minutes into your heartfelt video and all I can hear is love in your voice.
I am so happy for your healing journey. * hugs *
I aspire to heal as much as you someday.


Love, truth, and authenticity is expressed in this video. Proud of you, Jordan. You are very loved, my dear. <3


Hey man I used some clips from your Spirit Science documentary on psychedelics because it was listed as Creative Commons, but youtube is saying it's copyrighted and I can't monetize it. I link to your channel numerous times in the video, in the description, and I even link to the full video on my end card. Let me know if I have permission to dispute. If not, totally cool just was thrown off because I thought creative commons meant I could use.


I hadn't heard your side of that story.. I am glad you have healed


Jordan, you are so beautiful. I deeply love your beeing, and your human, too :-).


Hey Jordan! You have no idea how much this video really means to me, and I'm sure to lots of other people as well.

I've been on the spiritual path for only about 5 months now after reaching an awakening through a very deep depression that almost took my life. There has been something I've been struggling with since I began my journey, and that's been "what religion should I be following?" So I've just become a student of all religions, as well as a student of life.

I was born into a Christian family, and have been avoiding my birth religion. I had learned a long time ago that Christianity teaches if you don't accept Jesus as the son and embodiment of God, than you will go to hell. Simple as that. I felt that was really cuel, and seemed like it was created to fear people into following their religion.

However, since I started digging into all religions and looking deep inside myself, I've been getting a lot of signals from the universe to take another look at Christianity.

So a couple weeks ago I reached out to my born again Christian friend, and attended church with him. It was very compelling, and I prayed to God after saying I do accept Jesus into my life. But I feel like my prayer was not done full heartedly, because I have not finnished my studies into religions to fully commit to one just like that.

This video has helped me a lot with realizing I don't need to be "Christian" to accept Christ. It also allowed me to understand that I can learn and practice all spirituality, without feeling some kind of guilt that I'm turning my back on Christ.

I can't thank you enough for answering this deep question I've been struggling with internally.

I will definitely attend a Rythmia retreat when I'm able to afford it. I hope our paths cross someday, I'd love to have a conversation with you.

Keep up the amazing work you and tour team do.

Much love,
Jeremy (Aquaman)


Thanks for this, Jordan. Thanks for everything


Aya changed me in the best way. Just one ceremony, and one time before that. I haven't smoked a cig or drank alcohol since. I didnt even intend that. But that's just the tip. I saw so much and learned so much.

My Tip: INTENTION before, during, after. Intend, relax, accept.


On the subject of LBGTQ, may I just say:
My Utmost Gratitude to the Rainbow Railroad for saving so many lives! What a blessing to the world! When I heard that story 2 years back about the mass genocide of Gay men in that Euro-Asian country (forgive me for not remembering the specifics) I prayed and prayed and visualized a miracle for them and not but a few days later, word of their valiant rescue came on the radio! I'm lucky to have grown up in Washington State, US, where that Canadian Compassion has rubbed off! ✌😊


Your story made my heart drop into my stomach. I want to come to Costa Rica and also try to get some healing work on myself. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful Earth it is. You deserve so much respect and gratitude. Good to know there are souls like you on this world..and so many more others. Blessings to you.


thanks Jordan, you just helped me cry for the 1st time since my Mom took her own life a year ago, I Love Ya-


as a shaman my self I can see your struggle and how far you have come. I am glad you have taken this time to express this. how ever I hope you do not come with the intent to seek acceptance. I'm sure you know you already have that from the community you have built. so I wonder what you seek with this post? I hope you hear my Jordan. there is so much to do, you have people waiting for some kind of summons. preaching a better world sure is nice. but ….let's make things happen.


Love you Jordan 🕉 ur an amazing person and have been a huge inspiration on my life journey, life’s been a blessing lately and I’m thanking the universe everyday.
Keep being amazing Jordan ✌🏼 Namaste 🙏🏼🧡


You are so magnetic to look at, i came across your channel today and was naturally drawn. I think this is your power, maybe it's the vibe


OMG thank you Jordan. Your personal honesty carries immense power. Thank you for one of the most moving videos I ever watched ! And thank you for all your work in producing the amazing Spirit Science series amongst others. You are truly of great value to humanity <3


All the answers are right behind
Thank you for your openness


So much love and appreciation for you Jordan. I know i'm not alone in saying I wouldn't be the person I am today without the wisdom you've shared so selflessly and with such love. Thank you


Hi Jordan my name is Cathleen. I have a 10yo. daughter named Rivher who watches your spirit science vids every day. We love you & thank the universe for all your many efforts- your enlightenment- you are such a great example 4 our future generations. Please let us know if there is anything we can do 2 help. welcome 2 the GVT💚🌿👻🕊️(good vibe tribe)😚


Thank you, Jordan, for your honesty and light. There's much I can relate to and you've described your early life experiences so well, including the transformations taking place. Isn't it awesome how someone can play a role in our life that initially feels like poison and meanness and that through the wormhole of that pain, one can come out turning all that into medicine?
I've done that and it's a boost to my confidence in me, trusting my power and love's wisdom.

I've stood on my roller skates once, in 2011, on a cycle path through empty fields and I suddenly felt a surge of fury and rage. I yelled at God "Listen, I want you to support me to give meaning to what I'm going through, I want this to bear fruit in my life, do you hear?" and it felt like the angels fell from their chairs laughing, I imagined I could hear their giggles. Great!!
I'm the oldest daughter of a Dutch Calvinistic minister, isn't it fun? Cosmic humor.

I'm familiar with the picture hanging above the bed, it's a powerful message and it bridges eons of time where the battles of the Gods were fought. Reptilian and Christ, what a ride!
