**RANT** My Way is the Only Way!

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Tick Tock @Michaelsfishroom

Breeding for Profit Playlist:


Companies I support:
Aquarium Co Op
KJE Aquatics
Mike's Bulgarian Green Angelfish
Keep FishKeeping Spectacular Bettas and other Fish stuff!
**Products I use or have used in the Fish Room**
API Freshwater Master Test Kit

My Favorite Power Filter

Fritz ACCR

Fritz Complete

Seachem Prime

Seachem Safe

Python Water Change System

Aquarium Co-Op Sponge Filter (THE BEST!)

Aquarium Co-Op Test Strips

Lee’s Specimen Container


API General Cure

Ich X

Blue Airline Tubing

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Agree 100% with you Mike. I had a disagreement with another aquarist about how much a day to feed my fish. I feed 3x a day and one guy said I was killing my fish. I explained to him they were small meals and none of the food ever lasted more than a few minutes. I rarely lose fish so I must be doing something right.


There's a few things I've learned over my time in this hobby and business: 1) Water is not the same everywhere so not everything works everywhere. 2) What works for some doesn't mean it will work for everyone. 3) Social media fish groups are not the same as having a reliable Mom & Pop shop for advice for their area. And the most important one, #4) Opinions are like Butt holes. Everybody has one. ;) There is no one way to keeping fish. The sooner people realize this, the less stressful #4 becomes. It's just THEIR opinion. 👍


Love me a good rant in the morning! I saw the FB screenshot, the dude crossed the line from trolling to just plain hateful. Sad people living sad lives seeking attention on facebook. Back in the day, people like this would get one punch in the mouth and learn to not be an asshole to the rest of society.


My first thought was write a script to follow then spend less time recording.. My second thought was i love these bloopers. Michael, keep being you bro, we love ya man.


Sorry that happened Michael. It’s gonna be ok. We love ya bro!


Your spot on Mike. I have a small YouTube channel. I live in Australia and I have found a really good brand of Pleco food and my plecos absolutely love it. But you're right, maybe that food isn't for everyone. Everyone to their own



Actually, I really agree with you. People do not realize that we all live in different spaces which yield different opinions.



Crazy I found your channel today and started watching a video on how to feed frozen blood worms you uploaded and you had the same flower horn in the background in a smaller tank 2 years ago anyway seeing that alone shows you care for your fish and know what your doing keep up the hard work!! :)


We all seem to have lost the difference between fact and opinion... but still, thanks for letting us know what works for you so we can see different options!


What most people don't realize when they're gauging which foods a guppy prefers, is that guppies have an interesting evolved instinct that deals with food preference. If you feed 90% of Food A and 10% Food B, they will focus more on eating Food A. And it's not just because they happen to swim by Food A more often. They realize that Food B is limited, so they adapt their diet to focus more on Food A. In other words, whatever you feed the most of, is going to be their favorite food. Doesn't mean it's the most healthy for them in any way.


I would love to do small water changes every day! I think it’s better for the fish. But I have so much crap to drag out and hook up and I take over the kitchen every time; so I do 50% once a week. Both work, nobody is wrong. 😊😉😘


You go Michael.
I've been in the hobby for so long I just do me.
My breeding rear out tanks are bare bottom and almost sterile except for a little algae on the side and back glass. It's worked for my for decades and I certainly won't fault anyone for keeping there's different. I've been using Tetra flakes since the 60's BUT I don't feed that exclusively. I also feed baby brine shrimp and my long go to home made food kind of similar to Repashy. It's based on the original Jack Wattley discus food and Marc Weiss recipe with my own twist. My display tanks are kept with either a sand, gravel or UGF substrate setup. I won't knock anyone who prefers Aqua Soils, dirted or deep substrates. Hey float your own boat. No reason for people to blow up and trash anyone for doing it their way.


Youre so right michael! Everyone does it his own way and sometimes we have failures dead fish or shrimp. I think everyone wants to be te best for his shrimp or fish

Have a great weekend!
With love from the netherlands


Mike you are my fave fishkeeper on YouTube, you tell it how it is. On this incident that happened to you ; thats exactly what is wrong with todays society, people are too jealous or too ignorant or plain old stupid to understand all roads lead to Rome.. no matter the approach you and other fishkeepers have one purpose, to help others be successful keepers.. I had no Idea plecos eta Sweet peppers until i scrolled through your vids and found out.. i bought a bunch of pepper now... keep up the good work and take care of that heart!!


Yup, 37.62%, nailed it! A fellow man of numbers I see. Forgot about the bucket needing to be orange, very important. Fan of the content and your guppies, keep doing what you’re doing!


Yeah, I feel you. Lot of really weird people seem drawn to this hobby but there are many more great ones. No idea who that guy was and we don't have that food in South Africa, but if something works, it works.


I was just talking to my wife last night about online trolls… I don’t understand what some people get from the energy they expend. On topic here - everyone should know by now there are as many ways to achieve success in our hobby. Almost all of us have something that works just for us and our particular circumstances.


This just popped up. I like your honesty Mike! You are the fishy father! Friend envy is real. People that are envious will find ANYTHING to disagree with people they are envious of you.


Well that sucks, people in this day and age are very arrogant, I feed my fish every 3 days, I have 3 tanks I haven’t done a water change in a year, I had a guy ream me out that I was killing my fish, didn’t care what the test strips said, and how my parameters were perfect, sometimes people suck, Thank God for the good ones.


I have a question I’m wanting to know what you think about adding vitamin c, human vitamin smashed and added to my freshwater fish tank, would that help the fishes or even possibly not be good for them?
