The Hiccup Polka in HD

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This is the HD version of the Hiccup Polka song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Donald's Hiccups. This song is also known as "Tap Tap Tap your Feet." Daisy wears tap dancing shoes during the song. Here are Daisy's lyrics of this song.
Tap, tap, tap your feet, one and two and three. Turn around, jump up and down. One and two and three. Tap, tap, tap your feet, one and two and three. Turn around, jump up and down. One and two and three.
Hey! I can make up a song to make a combination of Tap Tap Tap your Feet and Row Row Row your Boat. Here are the lyrics to my song.
Tap, tap, tap your feet, one and two and three. Turn around, jump up and down. One and two and three. Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream.
I like Row Row Row your Boat better than Daisy's tap dancing song.
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