Badlion ≥ Lunar ?

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This video is supposed to be 100% unbiased. This is just a comparison of the facts right now.
If you guys say it's 'Hypixel', I played multiple games of sumo on each client, clicking the EXACT same CPS (30). In every round of using BLC, almost ALL of my hits registered, however in EVERY SINGLE round of using Lunar, my hit's always stopped registering mid combo. TRY IT YOURSELF. IT ISN'T HYPIXEL.
If enough people want it, ill make a full in-depth video on it.


lunar client used to have really good hitreg, because it used the same cps mechanics as 1.7 but there was controversy over it and lunar removed it, because people said it was an unfair advantage, there is a chance blc is still using that old mechanic which removes the hit delay which makes more of your hits register I think


The amount of comments that are going to hate on your opinions lmao anyways good video :D


Well if u click 20 cps like a professional, there shouldn't be a problem with even using the default launcher


I would really hope that you can make a proper video about it comparing if badlion is actually better than lunar, maybe try hosting your own server without anticheat and lag causing kb irregularities. I hope we can get a more conclusive and in depth result regarding this with conclusive evidence.


I noticed this too, and I also noticed blc gives way better chunk loading and slightly smoother FPS even with the same settings


Guess who isn't getting a lunar partnership


That kind of thing makes me like "bro do you know how the game is coded?". Have you tested with Vanilla Minecraft? A modpack client shouldn't modify the mechanics. (Example: hit delay, which lunar did remove a long time ago). If one client has a better "hit reg" than the other one it means that one of them modified the pvp system. So lunar made it worse intentionally or Badlion made it better intentionally? If it gives an advantage compared to Vanilla Minecraft then it's a cheat. In a comparison you must test with the original version as well. It's like comparing Lunar and Vape. (Im not saying that Badlion is a cheat btw don't get me wrong)


I've actually known this for quite some time, and this is why top tier ranked bedwars players use badlion client over anything. I'm pretty sure Hurtin uses BLC for RBW too.

supposedly you take a small percentage less knockback on badlion client too, I'm skeptical about that, but that's what I've heard.

BLC 1.8 has no hit miss cool down, your first will never stop swinging, it's the same as 1.7

Lunar got yelled at for doing this a while back, and had to change it to vanilla 1.8 features


Cps god

Edit: if badlion makes the ui and logo cleaner, lunar will have a great competition than before


Hit reg is purely server side and not client side. It’s impossible for the client to register more hits without the “mod” being considered a cheat. Modifying swing packets is considered bannable as then the client essentially becomes a hacked client.


This was the vid that got me into mc and also into rap music, to me this vid is the most important one I ever watxhed


There's an option in settings that allows you to decide if you want to be able to see when you're hit by the "miss timer". For those who don't know, the reason why players prefer 1.7 over 1.8 PvP is because 1.8 introduced a mechanic where if you're left-clicking while your crosshair is slightly missing your target you'll receive a penalty that prevents you from left-clicking for 10 ticks. By default on Badlion Client, players visually have this mechanic disabled, so, while it can still happen, you'll never see it happen to you


I hate how people hate on badlion for no reason, the bad owners don’t work for the client anymore but people act like using badlion is a crime, I was literally bullied and pressured into switching to lunar and it’s so dumb just let people use whatever minecraft mod they want


This is why I switched to badlion 5 months ago


Now this is no hate comment but just a recommendation.
When making a comparison like these keep in mind to have every variable controlled from player to heck even the map being played on.
This is because you want everything fair for both clients for the most accurate result and tbh this is why many people (me included) don't agree with your result that BLC is better than lunar cause this needs a very good experiment to be understood.However, this is a really interesting topic to talk on.


Time to switch 😀.
Finally somebody noticed.


As a fellow badlion user I aprove this message


As a friendly community member of Minecraft, and keeping the Harmony.
I can agree that badlion has SOME advantages over lunar.


from “PROVING Badlion IS Better than Lunar…” to “Badlion ≥ Lunar ?”
