Space Knowledge: The Sun & Beyond the Solar | Zenith | Free Documentary

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Space Knowledge: The Sun & Beyond the Solar - Zenith - Space Documentary

00:00 The Sun
The Sun is our star. Its energy enables life on the Earth to thrive yet we know so little about the solar weather and the 11 year solar cycle. Modern technology can be adversely affected by giant coronal mass ejections and there appears to be a link between sunspot activity and climatic conditions.

This episode examines the work done by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO); the Solar Dynamics Observatory and the Parker Solar Probe.

23:57 Beyond the Solar System
There are so many unanswered questions about the stars, the galaxies and the universe and just mapping what lies in the night sky is immensely difficult.

This episode looks at the effort involved in making the first photograph of a black hole and the search for planets orbiting distant stars.
#FreeDocumentary #Documentary #Zenith
Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on YouTube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.
Рекомендации по теме

I never really appreciated the sun until about a year and a half ago. My dad passed away on 02/23/21 and as we left the hospital the sun was going down and it was that deep orange glow, like a reddish orange. And seeing that gave me peace as he was passing away not even 2 hours later. After that I became so intrigued with space, the stars, planets, and so on. Now when I see the sun rise I say “good morning to the sun” and when it goes down I say “good night”. To think how big the sun is and how far away is just remarkable and how much energy it produces every second is mind boggling. I wish everyone would respect the planet more and stop throwing trash around because you are too lazy to use a trash can. Protect our home planet and everything on it including plants and all animals!


i told my girlfriend one time that one thing, I will regret when I die is I will never know what we will discover in space 100, 500 or even 1000 years from now. Space Science has always been extremely fascinating to me, just the wonders of how vast the universe is, and if there are other species are out there, or if they're searching for the same answers as we are regarding the Universe.


First I thought this documentary would provide the same info with some tinkering usually seen on shows about the sun esp Discovery & NatGeo. BUT, I was wrong — and glad about it.
This FD is special. Marvelous new and most recent insights are aplenty. Besides, the graphics the background score, the presentation all make it so engrossing and delightful watch. Thank you indeed.


Absolutely fantastic. Of all the info I've soaked in about our sun, I am still completely blown away...


Such a good documentary. Only 1.9k likes with over 200k views though. Those not liking must be the brain dead Tik Tok'ers


From Paterson, New Jersey, wasgoody.


This was intense.
Ever so nice program and topic.
Thank you FD! 🔥🙌


Astrophysics...I understand everything and every word but still I don't understand anything..♥️...though I love astrophysics..


It's easy enough to see why the areas of the sun get hotter and hotter each step of the way from the center. Not only do you have all of the electro nuclear substance and activity going on, you have every single bit of it agitated along the way, causing super friction activity. Friction alone causes even more heat!


Thank you free documentary..i'm from malaysia🇲🇾, from my heart love the content👍🤝


It’s a good thing Mother Earth protects us from Dad’s wraith of solar flares, winds and ejections. The earth and sun are the parents of life.


Just finished 😊 thank you soo much 😊 wonderful ❤️


Great content as always ❤️❤️❤️
Maybe I should recommend a topic: The future of education


To explain why the sun is hotter outside than inside, this is the case with every flame or with an electric arc, the greatest heat is a little in front of it. And you don't even have to be a scientist or an expert to know that, a simple welder is enough


If your ever still confused about anything, construct a probe.


That camera man is brave asf getting so close to the sun


Most Dangerous way to school 👍
Missed that Programme


Minute 14:18, the earth's magnetic field depicted is in conflict with the rules of magnetic field flow/direction.


watching this is so aweinspiring .and gets lots of ?s asking. 1 if as they show the magnetic fields of the earth circling the earth like a donut wont their be a black hole in the middle since the fields wont touch or cross over each other, much like sprinkling iron sand onto paper over a circular magnetand the sand doesnt go to the centre but the field pass through ????


Anyone knows the music at around 01:00?? It's so epic!
