Taş Tepeler Revelations with Hugh Newman | Matt Beal Limitless Podcast #17 | Megalithomania

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Megalithomania's Hugh Newman joined @mattbealllimitless for a deep dive into Göbekli Tepe, Nevalı Çori, Karahan Tepe, Sayburç, and many more of the Taş Tepeler sites in southeast Turkey.

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Thank you so much, Hugh; I love the descriptions of the landscapes, objects, measurements, colours etc that you paint with your words - you bring these utterly fascinating sites alive.


Thank you for continuing to record and show the new Mirazan sites (the original, local local name for the recent official government name). Mirazan means a "miracle maker". The local, childless Kurdish women give offerings at the hill, hoping for a child. The fertility myth of the hills, still lingers. Mirazan is the meaningful, local name for this entire super old civilization/culture. A lot better than the silly name of Gobekli ("potbelly")-- given to it by the ruling government there . I hope you continue showing us more and more of the Mirazan sites as they get dug up


Another interesting guest, Matt. Thanks for sharing.


I think they are much older than we think even at this stage


Interesting discussion, thanks Hugh for bringing to light that some archaeological activities are being covered up at some of these sites.


The knowledge and skills they possessed up this point must have been vast going way back in time.


Great coverage and discussion, the truth will surface, as it always does.
Thank you.


I think that it was a calendar or something mapping stars 🤷🏻‍♂️
The brick walls definitely look like they're from a different period


Amazing structures and amazing knowledge!


great conwersation thanks for your work xxx


So amazing. Thanks for all your work. I’m guessing the MAI plant Syrian Rue was growing around there. If you mix that with any of the other plant medicines you spoke about it would very much increase their intensity and duration. The people of Gobekli Tepe definitely had a space program, but they were using plants to go to inner space and outer space. Were they using the viper venom to actually kill themselves and then bring themselves back to life with an antidote?


If we go back to the Tefillin and assume that the wrapping process also has metrological meaning.
It wraps 3 times above the elbow, 7 time times along the ulna, finally wrapping the middle finger.
The elbow to wrist length is 12" (actual ulna bone) for me, while the usual cubit length (21" Royal cubit) to middle finger is actually 20" measured, which is actually a barley cubit.
Yet the metrology scaling relates 150" = 145.833" = 144" = 140" = Vitruvian 'wheel of the ancients' with 4 ft diameter and 12.5 foot circumference.
It was 7 cubits to 12 feet, but it was also using 4 cubits x 28 fingers to 7 feet x 16 fingers.
Thats not just 144"/7 cane cubit, but also 20" barley cubit.
This is the cubit used for the 56 aubrey holes and the sarsen circle as 56 & 60 cubits.


Yes the man with his hands near his belt buckle shaped like an H was copied over and over again i think that shows same people's work all over the world


A lot of the modules are actually based upon differnet versions of Pi.
25/8 vs 63/20
25/8 vs 22/7
25/8 vs 864/275.
The reason is that they were using different version of Geometry (Earth Measure) with different version of Earth Pi as the Earth section is not a true circle:
250, 000, 000" polar radius x 63/20 x 2 = 1, 575, 000, 000 (Eratosthenes english 7.2 degrees as 100 Iteru/Atur or 5000 stade of 300 cubit of 21" as 28 fingers & 250, 000 stade of 300 cubit of 21", which gets the notion from the 6+1 degree length of egypt using acos 6/7th with 24, 30, 31 North as 5000 stade of 300 cubit of 21" as 7 degrees or 100 Iteru/Atur)
250, 000, 000" x 864/275 x 2 x 99/100 = 1, 555, 200, 000 (Herdotus Strabo 6 degrees as 60 schoene of 60 stade of 600 feet or 400 common cubit of 18" & also 252, 000 stade of 300 cane cubit of 144"/7)
[The 99/100 is actually sqaure root 0.98, that relates 280 cubits to square root 80000 cubits be they the 28 finger cubits, the remen diagonal royal cubits or the 144"/7 cane cubit]

The relationship between the two scales of 875:864 using 864/275 Pi and 63/20 Pi is that they are using alternate numbers from the Fibonacci sequence to create 6/5th Phi squared as Pi:
3/1 x 6/5 = 18/5
8/3 x 6/5 = 16/5
21/8 x 6/5 = 63/20
55/21 x 6/5 = 22/7
144/55 x 6/5 = 864/275
Thus using the 4 remen cubit diagonal fathom that is the metrological relied in the ashmolean museum that is 1 megalithic rod of 2.5 megalithic yard as the diameter of a circle to get the cirumcference in the other scale....
15" remen x 99/70 (remen diagonal) x 4 (Megaltihic Rod/Fathom of 4 cubits) x 864/275 (circumfernce) x 875/864 (scale change) = 15" x 18 = 30" x 9 = 18" x 15...as Remen, Great Barley Cubits, Common Cubit in the 1, 575, 000, 000" scale
As 864/275 is not true Pi, the error is 864/275/Pi or...
1, 575, 000, 000 x 864/275/pi = 1, 575, 113, 066 Polar elliptical or Actuall rolled inches = British inches.

The egyptian/roman measures also are Earth meausures which come from the Egyptian and Mesopotamian Shen Ring that forms the basis of the cartouche (kings name and 'the ruler'). Which is a ring with diameter bar attached made from coiled rope with a numerical value of 100, that represent all that was rule over the by the sun god (1 solar orbit x 100 as diameter).
100 x 24 x 60 x 60 x 60" passus per second = 1, 620, 000, 000"
This is confirmed by Herodotus stating the the greek common cubit of 24 fingers was 3 fingers shy of the 28 finger royal egyptian cubit. ie a 24:25 scale ratio...1, 620, 000, 000 x 24/25 =1, 555, 200, 000

These in turn are related by the Temple in the Image of God using 10:1 fractals with the skull the orphic egg and the ashen cross upon the skull, where the hekatompedon diameter temple = 100 feet at 1, 620, 000, 000" that has a circumference of 300 feet at 1, 555, 200, 000" or 60x60" using the 25/8th Pi value that is used for Anthropomorphic geometry, relating humans to earth dimensions. Thus...
'Destroy 'this temple' and I shall raise it in 3 days.'
1:43, 200 = city
1:432, 000 = temple
1:4, 320, 000 = Orphic egg human
1:43, 200, 000 = Skull with crossed solar burst.
1, 432, 000, 000 = Ashen cross upon the skull and/or 3rd eye.
Thus crossing the 5ft height armbar, using 3rd eye and heart or solar plexus, that is the center of a cardinal circle of 360" cricumference or 1 sothic year or 1 second radian.
Thus the raised arm at head height = 10x10x10 pint = 5x5x5 gallon = 1250 pint = 20, 000 ounce.
Thus raised arms upon the 3rd eye of the skull defines a 2x2x2 pint crown = 1 gallon
Thius the Kings Iron Ulna as 3 feet yard of the 3:4:5 feet Orphic egg that sis square root 8 feet at head height, that is the basis of the megalithic yard at 2/5th of 4 remen diagonal royal cubit Fathom.
Thus the judaic TEFILLIN, that wraps the body in the Word fo God !


Question: Did the remnants of Cro-magnon exist right into recorded history ?
Dod they relate to the original kings lists ?
Zep tepe ?


If there was no water, how did they mix the flooring ?


Peace & Enlyghtenment Alwayz
A Micah Hill Dezert-Owl
Search Name


Like the in Glory (Gardner N28), is both a hieroglyph and a biblical statement.
It is not the just the equinox sunrise on Good Friday, followed by Noahs day of the Dove on the sunday, that locks the new moon festival to the 1/8th year in the flood narrative.
It is the lunar eclipse surrounded by the rainbow.

Aka, The lamb before the throne of God


Limitless has become Can’t-Miss content. Thank you!

Hugh sure does have an itchy nose …


Has anyone possibly put out a logical sounding reason/theory as to why the sites were buried?
