Big Finish Rescore - The Doctor Has Read River's Diary | 'Archipelago'

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A scene from the Big Finish story 'Archipelago', the finale of the latest Ninth Doctor Adventures box set 'Star-Crossed', which gave fans the long awaited clash of River Song and Christopher Eccleston's Doctor. The Doctor confesses to having read River's diary, which causes a very intense and emotional conflict between the pair. I've used part of Murray Gold's track 'The Enigma of River Song', from series 6 of Nu-Who.

This is just for fun, no copyright infringement intended!

'The Enigma of River Song' belongs to Murray Gold and the BBC, the track was released in December 2011 on the official Doctor Who Series 6 Soundtrack.

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Only Nine would have looked in River's diary. He was still embittered by the Time War.


It's a very clever idea to have him be damaged so all the usual cheekiness with river is kind of acidic to him. He's a fragile guy


This feels more in line with the 9 we know than what we've seen so far through all the other big finish stories. Also Rose must've been something really special if she was the only one to get the Doctor to love again.


I love this idea that with different faces, the Doctor can love or dislike the same person.

9 scarred by the time war needs something stable and solid to hold onto, so he picks Rose - an ordinary woman.

By the time 11 comes around, the reason he picks his companions is because there's a mystery and he's interested. Of course 11 would be into River, she's the biggest mystery in his life. It's also because the time war doesn't hurt as much so he's more open to love and someone who thinks he is a good person.

If you're filled with self-hatred, someone saying you are a good person or that they love you can be very scary.


"Oh, you want to play the war widow? Knock yourself out! Maybe this is hell right now; you and me, trapped in a room, no way out!"

God, that's so brutal.


Beautiful rescore. I totally believe this would be the Doctor who would sneak a peek at the diary out of mistrust. I love how this story goes. He softens through his time with her, while she takes him as he is instead of who he will be. And I am totally in agreement with your head cannon that this time with River isn't completely lost in Nine's emotional memory. That could be why even though Ten doesn't know her, he cries when she dies, as if hearing her say his name awakens something in him.


His voice is spot on in this audio book


Wow they finally pointed out how toxic River and The Doctors relationship is


The reason Nine became so besotted with Rose was because she reminded him so much of himself - they were 'equals' that were constantly pushing the other to do better or be better - it's not surprising that he'd think the relationship with River is messed up and, as a refugee hurtling across space with his arms full of trauma, would be infuriated that so many other versions of himself would be totally alright with the status quo that is their relationship.

Especially given that he'd also likely read about her encounters with *other* versions across his past - since she's met other past Doctors before him - and erased all their memories.

*He* can't have anything with River - *He* can't be who she needs him to be - hell, not even 12 will be *exactly* who she needs him to be... she'll still die in the library. Their time will still end.

It's fucked up - it's no surprise he'd lash out at her. Try to push her away...

If, for no other reason, than her own good.


Yknow, before I listened to this clip, if you'd told me the Doctor looked in the diary I'd be shocked, but if you told me it was Nine? It makes perfect sense. I think he really is the only one that would.


I think what River fails to understand is that the ninth Doctor in his words is brutality honest and is a big contrast to his 11 counterpart.
If Nine and Eleven ever met and have the discussion about the life of River Song, neither would see eye to eye on how the situation would be handled.
In the end I think nine would dislike the 11th because of his personality and the secrets that he keeps from others.


This is the best River story ever IMO. I loved all 3 stories on the set, but especially this one, it's a true classic.


The 9th Doctor spitting on everything that makes the River Song/Doctor ship work. Why do I love this?


I don't know which part of the timeline this part of River's story is and I haven't listened to the full story to know how it ended but from listening to this alone, I'd like to believe 9 was the last Doctor River met before she met 12, which would make sense why she thought the Doctor never loved her...


Oh, this is heartbreaking. Alex performed with every fiber of her soul.


It makes sense for the Doctor to not trust River. If woman you've never met claims to know everything about you, how your future and past is supposed to go, but refuses to explain anything and tells you not look at her diary, could/would you trust her blindly? How can River expect/demand The Doctor to trust her when all she does is lie to him? She kept important information from him, and the lie of omittion is still a lie.


damn. I will miss Eccleston in Big Finish. What a great series, and this story as the last episode (for a while, I hope) is just chef's kiss. I won't spoiled it, but let's say it's one of the most important story in defining The Doctor and River's relationship.


The first doctor to actually say that there relationship isn't love


This kind of highlights why the Doctor and River are one of my favourite relationships in fiction. Not in an "OTP coule goals" way, but in a "these two are a fascinating complicated mess" way.


I'm glad at least 9 could see their toxic marriage for what it was. I love them though.
