Thomas Joseph White #15: Does the Holy Spirit proceed from the Father and the Son? (I, 28)

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I listened twice, and I think I get it. Thanks.


It is the distinction between essence and existence. One Divine essence in three Divine Persons.


wow such a great channel thank you youtube!


"When did the one who is begotten and the one who proceeds from the Father come into being? They are above and beyond the notion of a “when”. Indeed, if I may speak somewhat more boldly – they came into being when the Father did. And when did the Father come into being? There never was a time when the Father did not exist. And the same thing is true of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Ask me again: “When was the Son begotten?” And again I will answer you: When the Father was unbegotten. –

“And when did the Holy Spirit proceed?” When the Son was, not proceeding, but begotten beyond the sphere of time and in a manner which cannot be expressed – although we cannot avoid the imagery of time when we wish to express what is above time."

Saint Gregory Nazianzus
Oration 29 / from section 3


"And I will ask the Father, and HE will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever." Jesus said that the FATHER will send the Holy Spirit, not Him


How can a Catholic respond to the objection that the Son sending the Spirit isn't the same as the Spirit proceeding from the Son? One can send after having received what he sends, without being himself the origin of the objet he sends.



You know, EO say that in the economy, the Son is born from the Father through the spirit, because he’s conceived by the spirit.

Which objection can we formulate to that?


Our Lord Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son. It may be true to say this, but it sounds odd in practice. Could we perhaps avoid the Filioque at Christmas time by saying the Apostles' Creed instead?

Most of the contributors here have managed to stick to the argumentum ad rem, which is a bit unusual with this type of discussion.


Wouldn’t this make the Spirit the witness to the love of the Father and Son as opposed to the actual literal act of love?


Fr. Thomas, is the Father the principle cause of the Spirit and the Son is the instrumental cause of the Spirit? Since there is one principle and one spiration?


Is The Holy Spirit, the same as Ruach Hakodesh?


Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life and through him all things were made.God the father is Jehovah which was the name of God The father in the old testament and I believe the holy spirit is God in the future and I think he's being God of the past future and now but I'm really only guessing just some things don't make sense to me at times but I do believe in the holy Trinity of the 1 true God begotten from the one true God.I know it possible makes little Sense but God Almighty makes all the fog disappear as soon as you truly believe in.


That was a clear BLUNDER of the churchfathers, they failed to figure out that THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE FATHER TOO.
From Jesus' statements you are definitely sure that ONLY THE FATHER is with the Son. Thus, of course only TWO blasphemies can exist: either 1. against the Son or 2. against the Father. Accordingly, Jesus discussed those TWO blasphemies, but in the second one the Father was surprisingly addressed by using the name "Holy Spirit". Why? Because Jesus tells us that the FATHER IS A SPIRIT (Jn. 4: 23, 24). Thus "Holy Spirit" is just a "spirit-name" given by Jesus to that Spirit who is the Father. Jesus also directly confirms that the HOLY SPIRIT inside Him IS THE FATHER: “The words I say to you, I say not on my own but from the FATHER who DWELLS IN ME.
The Father is thus called either "Holy Father" or "Holy Spirit by Jesus.
Why is God a spirit?
Even the churchfathers noticed something weird but very important: God does NOT PERSONALLY take actions here on earth, rather everything is carried out by his Spirit: the Holy Spirit. Thus, some churchfathers thought He was a person and called Him the "HELPER". Wrong. It is true that God doesn't personally take actions, but his Spirit is not a "Helper": He is the SAME ALMIGHTY GOD IN THE FORM OF A SPIRIT, see above. The reason is that God is not personally here, HE IS AWAY "before the foundation of the world, (Jn. 17, 24-26)" (only the Son who is older than the world could see Him). But even when absent, God is able to be here in the form of a spirit - this means that NOBODY is actually here - to talk to people and to take actions. He is the "Spirit of God" (the Holy Spirit).
God is thus "split" into TWO PARTS: the Father and the Holy Spirit. The Father is personally MISSING, this is why Jesus says "Nobody has seen God at any time" "the world has not known you". "INVISIBILITY" has nothing to do with that: you cannot see the Father (God) because He is not here! The Holy Spirit is here, but since NOBODY is actually here, everything must be DECIDED BY THE MISSING GOD. No third divine person exists.


according to the bible John (15-26) : But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
So the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father


John 15:26 provides the answer to the question asked in the title of this video. The answer is NO.
