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How do you handle pressure, expectations, and finding your sense of self?

Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker, filmmaker Alan Seawright, and Cinema Therapy producer Sophie Téllez are reacting to Miles Morales and his journey in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. They discuss how Miles struggles to grow into himself and his power. Jono notes how much “shoulding” Miles endures, and Alan and Sophie nerd out about the groundbreaking animation. And Alan wants to go to Lord and Miller film school.

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Cinema Therapy is:
Written by: Megan Seawright, Jonathan Decker, and Alan Seawright
Produced by: Jonathan Decker, Megan Seawright, Alan Seawright, and Corinne Demyanovich
Director of Photography: Bradley Olsen
English Transcription by: Anna Preis

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The fact that it’s NOT Peter’s important lesson that unlocks Miles’ power, but his imperfect father admitting his imperfection and offering a simple, beautiful encouragement, WHOO. There’s some real power in humble parenting


My favorite thing about the greatest shot in cinema history is the glass shattering when he leaps from the building. He wasn't relaxed. He wasn't ready. But he still jumped.


The thing that gets me every time is miles tells Aaron that he has never let him down and when Aaron dies he tells miles he's sorry he let him down


I love how all the male characters are so willing to show and share emotions. The perfect example of HEALTHY masculinity


The scene description from the script for the UPSIDE DOWN scene -

"Miles walks to the edge of the roof, the wind buffeting.. and LEAPS! The camera is UPSIDE DOWN. Miles isn't falling through the frame. He's RISING."

Gives me goosebumps every time.


I was one of the animators for Spiderverse, and it was simultaneously the proudest thing I've worked on and the hardest and most stressed out project. I'm so glad you guys enjoyed it, and even during internal viewings I've teared up a few times.

Happy to answer questions if there are any.


Theres a saying i like when it comes to comparing yourself to others: Don't compare your Behind the Scenes with someone's Highlights. I feel it says completely what people do not realize what they are doing when comparing.


Fun fact: when Gwen says, "I didn't teach him that, and you definitely didn't, " Miles just did the move that Peter Parker (Pine) did in their first scene together.


Miles going on the roof then going back down the steps is my favorite joke in the movie because of how realistic it is anyone could relate to that it's amazing


The scene where Miles' dad is telling him he supports and loves him through the door makes me cry every time. The first time I saw this movie I had a really strained relationship with my dad and I knew that it was something that he would say and had been saying but I just hadn't heard it. I broke down crying in the theater during that interraction.


Something to note: that move at the end that neither Peter nor Gwen taught him was actually the move he saw his original Peter doing at the beginning. Except now he’s adapted and mastered it on his own.


If it hasent been mentioned yet i love the detail of Miles still not being 100% confident so he still sticks and breaks the glass before the leap of faith.


The fun part about that "I didn't teach him that...and you definitely didn't" part is that he learned that move from Chris Pine's Spiderman. Love this movie, so many of those great details!


I kind of low key loved that Miles powers were based on his strengths and fears (imo). He wants to hide away from expectations and the eyes of the people around him, but he’s also got this electric personality with explosive creativity just dripping off him. He’s got so much potential, but he wants to hide from it (he doesn’t know how to use it or even that it’s there in some cases) and you see that in his super powers and how sporadic and uncontrollable they are for him. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk, I hope you enjoyed my mini theory.


Honestly my favorite part of the scene that builds into the best shot in cinema history. Aunt May was sitting there, Aunt May knew the whole time he was going to make it that he was going to be there. She had absolute faith in Miles, a kid she had known for a few hours at most a kid who was in way worse shape than Peter was when he got his powers ((Peter is typically tail end of Highschool when he gets his powers, Miles get it just starting Highschool so he's actually one of the most powerful as it also affected his development and skyrockets the power he gets but that's not important here)) May just knew he'd make it, that look the tea in her hand. She had one of the things you need when you have those role models, absolute knowledge that you'd make it, that no matter what happened, how you fell or how you bent and broke, that you would make it.


Fun fact: The trick Miles does in climax isn't from Peter B or Gwen. He learned that from Peter A. I always took that as the movie showing that Miles is now the Spiderman of that universe.


Peter Parker and Miles Morales’ relationship has become my favorite thing about Spider-Man.

Peter so often carries so many burdens on his own to the point that it borders on martyrdom. But when Miles came along, he simply couldn’t do things alone because someone else needed him.

On the other hand, Miles brings a new layer to the Spider-Man ethos. He’s youthful, extroverted, and comes from a completely different background and culture. He has a much stronger support system that he is more than willing to protect. And because of that, Miles is very invested in Peter’s well-being and I LOVE that.

Miles Morales is just the best. He’s my favorite character.


Miles is the insecure everyperson here. He's in way over his head and has only the most vague idea of his purpose. But he rises to the occasion and not only decides to the do right thing, he explodes into the role. He has no idea what to do at first, but his first thought is to do GOOD. It's one reason why I love this movie. Miles knows what heroes are. Spiderman, his dad, the dedicated cop, his mom the medical professional. Miles knows what good IS, he just needs to figure out what good he can do.


What really gets me is the shot were we see the glass tear away as Miles makes the leap. Miles sticks to things when he’s terrified, and he can’t unstick until he relaxes. He is completely and totally terrified when he leaps, but he finds the mental and physical strength to tear himself away from the glass. This time, he chooses to leap despite the fear, he doesn’t fall by accident like the first time.


Ah, damn it. That scene where Miles is tied up and his Dad is talking to him through the door just brought me to tears. Wanting so hard to connect with his son, just wanting his son to know he loves him, and realizing he shouldn't push Miles to say it back
