British Heart Foundation - Cholesterol and heart disease

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Having high cholesterol can put you at greater risk of heart disease.

Dave shares his battle with his cholesterol levels, and talks about how he got to where he is now, successfully managing his condition.
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I do wish charities like BHF would produce more straightforward videos with basic (up to date!) dietary and lifestyle advice for ordinary people rather than this sort of thing that concentrates on people who are quite obviously unhealthy.


Lovely to see you transforming your life


Thank you for sharing your experience.


Well done Dave!! Lovely vid, Good man x


Dave thank you for your contribution
You job very valuable
You motivation is infectious
You are right about that portion plate
Steaming wonder vegetables
Airfreight steamer or slow cooker great

Blessings 🙌 Dave


The amount of cholesterol you eat, ironically has no effect on preventing heart disease. Zero Heart attacks sky rocketed when they started homogenizing milk and stopped feeding cows grass. Grass creates k2 in milk. It's why I drink organic milk. However, organic milk only is 30% grass fed. back in the day it was 100% grass fed. Homogenized milk Scratches the artery walls and creates lesions. Cholesterol is the scar tissue that repairs these lesions. Constant repair makes these plaques thicker and thicker until it causes a heart attack. Doctors will Say Sticky cholesterol that, and good cholesterol this and bad cholesterol, whatever, But it's the scientist that say k2 cures heart disease. The doctors are the ones who are taught by reading what the scientist say. But the Corporation dictates what information the scientist can provide to the Doctors, The cardiologist of the world, today are forced by the corporation to follow to listen to what man said in 1951 Paul Dudley .The man was a fraud who worked for the corporation. Go figure


Inspiring to a lot people well done m8


sweet video Dave, good on you mate!


Well done Dave. I'm on the same diet. (miss my toast tho!!)


Our livers are capable of producing 400 times more cholesterol than what we typically eat!

The tragedy with the BHF is that the science that much of their advice is based on was poorly gathered in the first place. We have been told for many many years to avoid saturated fats and cholesterol and what has truly slipped the net is the fact that blood plasma levels of cholesterol are not associated with dietary intake of cholesterol. Cholesterol causes heart disease, we get that but what you don't get is that high cholesterol has another cause. Blaming cholesterol is like arriving at a murder scene, finding the police there and then blaming them! High cholesterol is caused by inflammation in the body which can often be attributed to excessive carbohydrate consumption, eating unnatural processed foods like margarine for example (touted as heart healthy because they are low fat!). Margarine for those who don't know is produced by bubbling hydrogen through vegetable oils at high temperature over a catalyst. The end product is a grey, bad smelling, alien fat that the human body has never seen or evolved to deal with. We eat it after it has been bleached, dyed, coloured, flavoured and stabilised / preserved! Is it any wonder we are on the brink of an obesity / diabetes epidemic?

The tragedy is that institutes like the British Heart Foundation are too ill informed on the real science that drives our health today. For the real low down on cholesterol and health, look up Dr Peter Attia on here. This man eats a ludicrous amount of saturated fat and cholesterol yet his body fat has dropped significantly, his LDL and HDL ratios are hugely improved, the markers of inflammation in his body are considerably better etc etc. Nobody needs to go hungry or eat some stupid BS diet that is low in fat, possibly one of the most damaging ways to get better from your ill health.


nice video friend also have the same problem he visited planet ayurveda.Highly
appreciable staff and doctors of planet Ayurveda...


Is LDL ~"bad cholesterol" the culprit for causing cardiovascular disease?


I found this video on Pronto therapy folio - there's lots good videos there that will help you


So are you saying that if my total cholesterol is over 200 because my body needs more than that is bad?


I'm 18 years old and actually skinny, but i have high cholesterol, does changing my diet will change my weight??


The most important management for heart disease is missing on these videos. Exercise prescription and activity. Lower your risk with activity and exercise as well as medication management - think the videos are giving the message that medication is the 100% management for heart disease. Misleading.


You need fatty red meat, not vegetables and not the bad bad bananas.


Good god how bloody patronising. What a waste of money. Seriously the BHF would do better spending the money to get some good scientists to review the cholesterol literature to bring them up to date, and expose the advertising lies of the Statin producers rather then spend on expensive professional videos to fat-shame people.
