Comedian Tells Joke, Everyone Loses Their Mind

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Why we get offended online, but NOT in real life. Hint: It's in the thumbnail.


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The Best Music In The GAME:
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Stanford on Language Games

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A few notes:
1: Wittgenstein mentions the example of a builders language game that would be opaque to an outsider, I see this as applying to almost every aspect of language. We're always playing language games, whether it be with a stranger, where we try to make our meaning as obvious as possible, or with a friend, where we use inside jokes, phrases known only to the other person.

2: There are many reasons comedy is walking on eggshells, I want to be clear, this isn't the only reason. But the other reasons have been beaten to death by everyone and this is one cause that I believe has been hardly explored at all.

3: I say comedians "used to be untouchables". I mean that in the context of the audience. Comedians weren't untouchable to police, who arrested the greats such as Carlin and Bruce, but comedians usually didn't have to fear the crowd. Now comedians aren't scared of the police for saying naughty things, they're scared of the online mob.
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totally uncontroversial comment section. nothing to see here, move along.


Comedian Tells Joke. Audience Laughs, but everyone loses it because you LAUGH you LOSE!


Comedian: tells joke
Internet: I'm about to end this man's whole career


Jim Jefferies put it best
(paraphrasing slightly)
"My whole skill in life is being able to say horrible things and still seem likeable. If you read my material, it's a bad read. They quoted me in the daily herald and claimed they were my beliefs. I don't believe these things, this is a comedy routine, not a Ted talk. There's a big difference between things I think and things I think are funny to say".


This entire video I sat here thinking the exact words that Seinfeld said right at the end.
"It's a joke. I'm not apologizing."
Holy shit I wish people could do this.


"It might have been a bad joke, but it was a joke." THANK YOU. So many people don't seem to understand that.


0:31 since when is Jimmy Kimmel a Chinese Gangster?


Real life should not have a comment section; twitter.


"The layered cheese spoke to my soul"

The only poem I cried to


Ryo Fukui is very underrated. Cool to hear his music. Also: 100% agree


It is an old technique. Cherry pick sentences out of context and get your ratings high (News Channels). Get fame by defaming others. Bad stuff really. Also a very valid argument. 👏👏👏


*Rorschach voice:*
"Tonight, a comedian got banned."


other than it being not as funny, it's wonderful. wonderful.


As a comedian This video speaks to my soul and frustration with people Will be sharing


Trevor Noah's joke about Aboriginal women was another good example, and if I recall correctly, he did actually refuse to apologise.


I love how at the end, Jerry is listening to himself speak: "I just want to see someone that says it was a joke, I'm not apologizing" and Harvey is like: "yeah, m8, cool"


I support comedians who are just comedians, but when your average comedian is also an active political commentator then it's no surprise people will take his/her jokes seriously (with context or otherwise).

There are many subjects on which you can base your jokes around (like movies, games, sport, ...etc) but those so called comedians often choose controversial topics that they probably know will receive mixed reactions.


Hey, everyone, I have a thought: Can we stop assuming that everyone is malicious, malignant, and out to spit hate, and recognize that, in a world where everyone takes everything entirely too seriously, sometimes a mildly inappropriate joke can actually be a good thing to ease tension and encourage actual conversation after the laughing has been done?


americans now having less humour than the british cliche


But what is the context? The context cannot simply be, 'I'm joking.' If I were to do stand up in some club, and just do nothing but racist jokes, nothing but stereotypes, and holocaust jokes, I would be heavily criticized.

The joke is often over the top, maybe absurd, but it serves a purpose. It might point out issues, quirks, or oddities in the world and ourselves, but it's not just a meaningless set of words created to hack your brain to laugh. Jokes reflect what the comedian thinks to some degree. I don't think they should need to necessarily apologize for what they think, but they shouldn't be surprised if they think something unpopular and people are not too happy about going to the next show.

What the internet has done, is remove the alcohol and atmosphere and the need to rationize ticket price as filters. It has allowed us to see these jokes in a clean light, and we aren't always a fan of what we see.

If a joke is really taken out of context, actual context, that is different. But the fact that it was simply 'a joke' is not context itself.
