*massive* CLOSET CLEAN OUT 2021 & reorganization // clean out my closet with me [declutter + purge]

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I did a massive closet clean out for 2021 including reorganizating, decluttering and purging. Come clean out my closet with me and see how amazing my new organized closet looks!
Since we moved into our house last December, I had not done any reorganization in our closet. We don't own a garage, basement or attic, so a lot of our storage was kept in our master walk-in closet. I was tired of the way it looked, and it was hard to keep clean, when there really wasn't an organized system. Last week I decided to pull everything out, and do a complete declutter, purge and clean out of the closet.

We ended up getting a storage shed for outside, which was PERFECT for all the holiday bins and childhood bins we were keeping. The closet turned out so amazing, and now I just want to sit in it all day. If you love organizing videos, then you'll probably like this one!

c h a p t e r s i n t h i s v i d e o:
0:00 closet clean out
22:19 final results

l e t s b e f r i e n d s:

m y a m a z o n f a v o r i t e s:

v i d e o e q u i p m e n t:
♡ Editing software I use: Adobe Premier Pro

#jacquelinewheeler #closetcleanout #closetorganization
FTC Disclaimer: Some links above are affiliate links from which I get a small commission. This does not affect you as a customer at all, but helps me keep on making video for you guys! All opinions are my own.
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I absolutely love the euphoric feeling I get after organizing! Anyone else feel that way?!


you could hang a curtain rod across the closet door and put a curtain when you want or need privacy in there! That is what we did with ours. We had awful gold mirrored doors and got curtains to match our bathroom decor. It's worked great!


Looks so good!! Love that Marie Kondo folding, we do that in all of our drawers 😍


Lol I “convinced” my husband… story of my life!


I love these kinds of videos. I love organizing anyway, but more motivation to do so is always helpful. It looks great, and I am definitely going to look into those storage containers. I've been debating getting some larger tubs for some of the stuff in my closet that just has nowhere to go, and those would just be so much lovelier than plastic bins taking up space.


amazing the difference with before after!! Good idea taking the door down to have more room for the shelf unit. Storage shed is neat looking. You inspired me to spruce my walk in closet. I like the uniform white hangars. Mine are plastic as well and a mish mash of colors. Where did you end up putting that big door!?


🙋 Actually when every thing was out in the bedroom it really wasn't that much stuff 🙂
