Come Shop with Me to Prepare for a TWO Month Pantry Challenge!

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#acrehomestead #shopwithme #groceryhaul

Redmond Real Salt | Use the code ACRE for 15% off

Online Seed Companies I Order From:


Canning Supplies I Used:

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!
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This is such a feel-good channel for me. You make me want to be the best version of myself. I love how adaptive and positive you always are. Take me shopping with you anytime !!


I just love the way that your love for Josh shows through in everything that you do. You are always looking for things to make him happy or checking to see if he needs anything. He is truly a loved man, that is very obvious. Thank you for your wonderful, loving and helpful videos. They are refreshing, encouraging and fun to watch.💚💚


“I’m not going to buy the Costco-sized Nutella … because I’ll eat it.” 😂 I sooo relate!


That's the trouble with Costco. Not all items are available at all Costcos and sometimes it's a one time only deal and when they're gone, they're gone!


I use the notes app in my phone for my grocery lists - i can add to it whenever i think of something i need whether home or not.
Also good for when you dont get all you need, you still have the list!


Costco removed the fast-spoiling leaves from their spring mix. Also, put a paper towel on top of the greens. Make sure it’s always dry. The spring mix lasts MUCH longer!


You can use your yeast straight from the freezer. You don’t have to keep some in your cupboard. You can keep it all in your freezer and just take out what you need for your recipe! I do it all the time, and it works just fine.


This Christmas was a very practical year for us in terms of gifts. I got a Presto pressure canner and jars, my husband wanted some pie irons for when we are out camping, and my two teen boys each wanted kitchen gadgets. My 16-year-old asked for a panini press, and my 13-year-old asked for a cast iron waffle iron. Of course they both wanted typical teen boys stuff too.


I always left my grocery list at home if i made one, BUT now i use my notepad app on my phone, that i always have with me. Erase items i buy. Change colors of the stores i shop at and under also keep a list of stuff i need to pick up for my ibotta app. Game changer for shopping, adding items as i run out of them AND i also keep a note for every single item listed by shelf and in order on the shelf so i can send my kids after it and i can tell them exactly where the item is theyre looking for.


I miss Winco!! we moved from Western WA 2 months ago to TN and Winco is one of the things I miss most!


Hey Becky just wanted to share that I give my dog water with a splash of apple cider vinegar for UTI. (About a teaspoon in her 10 oz water bowl) I have a really old dog she's 17 and she gets them often as well as an upset stomach and the vinegar helps her with both.


I'm not usually a kitchen gadget person but I bought the instant pot Dutch oven for weeknights and I absolutely love it!


I keep the yeast in a jar in the freezer all the time and it really keeps it for much longer. I am using one I got 2 years ago and it is still good


I’m glad you were able to get out and time with yourself. We need that. It’s so funny, when you were making your list, I found myself telling you what you needed to put on it you were forgetting! You are just a joy to watch.


As new grandparents with a Costco card, we loved being able to gift our little guy with diapers. That was nearly a dozen years ago. At the time they were by far the best quality we found. May want to check them out when Baby A grows a bit. Savor these first weeks.


My boyfriend and I are both nerds who love to cook, so we made a spreadsheet to inventory our deep freezers and pantries (we live separately). It's already been a huge success because we batch cook together and we have already cooked a bunch of the meat in both of our freezers!

I buy meat on sale and then forget what I have, plus my deep freezer is in a detached garage, and living in Minnesota means I don't want to trudge out there more than I have to. My boyfriend purchased a quarter cow and pig a while ago, but didn't have a good system to know what cuts he has, so now we are both able to utilize what we already have much better :)


Thanks for painting the job of home maker in such a fabulous light. It's what I've always loved being and doing. My mom did a great job at this.


I was yelling frozen green beans when you were making the new list 😂😂😂. My dog come in and checked on me 😅


Thank you Becky for creating the best channel on YouTube. You're the only person that my fiancé will sit and watch with me! You're totally relatable and you don't edit out if you make a mistake or drop anything. I love it. I'm going to try the pantry challenge because of you! I'm excited!!


Watching you while I put together baby shower invites. I think im gonna do a little pantry challenge myself. We have a beef order to use up, and my husband was able to score us a deer to stock our freezer. Our eggs are so expensive here in Montana. A 60pk is now $30! Which is a pantry challenge in itself and finding substitutes. Plus, I have gestational diabetes to work around. Good luck with this challenge. Hello to the rest of the acre family!
