Part 18(POSTMAN): How to fix 'newman is not recognized' error || Could not find 'htmlextra' reporter

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If you have installed Jenkins via installer and you are getting 'newman' is not recognized as internal or external command error OR Could not find "htmlextra" reporter, follow below mentioned 3 points:-
1: Add Node JS plugin
2: Go to Manage Jenkins -- Global Tool Configuration -- NodeJS section(Click on add NodeJS and add name as NodeJS and add command "newman newman-reporter-htmlextra" (in Global npm packages to install section)
3: Go to Job -- Configure -- Build Environment (Select 'Provide Node & NPM bin and select NodeJS)
Note: If we are running Jenkins via .war file, then no need to install any plugins and node packages inside Jenkins, Jenkins will recognize all the plugins and packages automatically (please note: those packages must have been installed in ur system via command prompt)
Old Batch Command:
cd C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\newman\bin
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POSTMAN Tutorial Series
Selenium 4 Features
API Testing using by Rest-assured library
Extent Report
Builder Pattern