Top 10 Tips for Diamond Painting

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All the best tips for diamond painting. From how to flatten your canvas, to how to unstick diamonds...and lots more! Let me know if you have any questions at all!
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Find me on Instagram @hellostudiosam

Things mentioned in this video...
Bead storage tray...

I'm not a fan of the red wax in the pen tool, I prefer Blu-Tack. One pack will last you a lifetime.

Light pad...

The "Woolly Girl" diamond painting I'm working on in the video is from AliExpress...

The diamond painting shown in Tip 1 is "Alice In Wonderland" from AliExpress...

The main Diamond Painting Companies I regularly use and trust:
Also Diamond Dots...wherever you can find them!

Рекомендации по теме

I'm so glad I watched this before starting my very first diamond art picture. This video is a life saver


Yes, I am now an addict. I found I didn’t go to bed till 430am in the morning the other night or should I say the other day. I just enjoy my diamond painting so much, it gives me a lot of pleasure and gives me something to do as I don’t have a husband and I get any more.


Some of this stuff is actually genius. You just saved me from a lot of stress and anxiety!


I clicked here as a seasoned diamond painter thinking I could learn no more YOU HAVE SHOCKED ME THANK YOU FOR THE TIPS!


We’re stuck at home due to the virus social distancing in the US, so I thought I’d give diamond painting a try. This video is great! I feel like you saved me a lot of frustration as I start out. Thank you for the video!


That flattening the canvas tip just blew my dang mind. Thank you so much!


Your tips were by far the most helpful all around. You were to the point and didn't drag out the obvious once you showed the 'how to'. Thanks for this!


Thanks so much for the tip about the BluTack. I tried it today on my round drills and it worked so much better than the wax. I felt like I was having to reapply wax every 5 minutes before. Definitely a game changer for me. Thanks again!


I'm preparing to do my 1st painting and your video has really prepared me to have the best experience. Thank you!


“Those damn air bubbles” lmao! I’m so glad I found this video. I wanted to get an idea of what I’m in for when I start crafting and you pointed out things I didn’t know or weren’t aware of. Thanks for making me feel more confident!


Sam you are a life saver for me with the checker border fashion is a game changer for me and trying to flat down the canvas is a game changer


Just getting ready to start my first project. These are great tips. Right from the first one! I wondered how I could get my canvas flat. Now I know 👍


Huh, never heard of diamond painting. You're a natural instructor.... Crap, hope I don't get addicted to THIS now.


I've been using parchment paper to help cover areas I need to lay my arm on.


I have a daughter with severe ASD who enjoys doing 1k pieces puzzles. She'd had plenty done and hanging on wall. I’m introducing this craft to her. Thanks for this generous guide.


Thank you so much for making this! The checkerboard tip is a GAMECHANGER. I've done two smaller diamond paintings and ran into the problem of keeping my lines straight and the checkerboard pattern has cleaned them up SO MUCH. Now my third painting is looking a lot neater!


Our granddaughter just finished a diamond painting for our daughter and son on laws 30th anniversary. She did a beautiful job and had over 100 hours I to it! Then had it framed. I wish I could share it with you!


I’m so glad my auntie got in to this! I now love it and wish I discovered it sooner. I did it for 8 hours straight one day the day flew by and I didn’t stop to eat so it helped the 5:2 diet I’m doing too 🤣


I watched this several years back and I can’t tell you how much it helped me start diamond painting and enjoy it lol these years later. Sending you a great big thank you!


Incredibly useful!! My biggest tip, that you didn’t touch upon, is an easel or book holder to keep my piece tilted when I work on it. Helps my neck not hurt. (I also stand up when I diamond paint. I’m starting my first larger piece (for me) and sooo excited. Might get a larger LED pad because since I’ve been diamond painting (always early morning) my sleep has been great and I think a lot of that has to do with the meditative value of my projects AND the light setting my circadian rhythm. thank you sooo much!
