Casey Moss covering Jimi Hendrix Voodoo Child/Purple Haze

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Casey Moss playing at the "Day's Of Our Lives" Spring Fling Event
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Casey Moss from Days of Our Lives, special guest playing with CORE at the Burbank Bar and Grille for the Spring Fling '13 party for cast, crew, family and friends on May 3rd. The show was a blast, Casey rocked it! The band jammed for 2 hours, people were dancing, the night was GREAT! Friend CORE on Facebook at Core Jam Page


Hey howlingmine, he does not suck as an actor or a guitarist. BOTH of which are crafts as well as talents. He obviously has talent and he (like all artists) continues to develop his craft. If you're comparing him to Jimi that's stupid, NO ONE can be him and no real artist would try, because true artists simply make their art as themselves, that's the magic of art. As for his acting skill, he actually made me start watching his show again, after a 15 year no-interest hiatus. I didn't even know his character existed, but I happened to watch one day and was mesmerized at how much he could say with just a flicker of his eye, as opposed to dialogue. He is so organic with so much to convey. He is a dark horse that will sneak under everyone's radar & is destined for all kinds of success.


Hey Casey, I know you can surf but I didn't know you sang! Sounds great! Awesome and proud of you!

You probably don't remember me!


Not really that great. An odd drum beat in the background that's nothing like the song and the two other guitarists don't help him play the song any better
