12 Christmas Tech Gift Ideas for your gadget lover!

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Looking for the superb tech gift ideas for Christmas 2018?
In this gift guide, let me show you some of the best tech gift ideas for him or gift ideas for her as I review various devices and cool tech gifts.
If you are stuck for a holiday gift idea for the guy or girl or special person in your life who has every tech gadget and tech gizmo, then this is the video for you!

Check out the tech deals on the Ultimate Cool Christmas Tech Gift Ideas Under $300:

1. Nonda ZUS Smart Vehicle Health Monitor (0:37):

2. FenSens Smart Wireless Parking Sensor (1:38):

3. Rachio 3 WiFi Smart Lawn Sprinkler Controller (2:04):

4. Nyko Power Pak 5000 mAh (2:48):
Nyko Boost Pak:

5. BenQ ScreenBar (3:26):

6. Cellhelmet Screen Protector (4:12):

7. Fluidstance (4:51):

8. RapidXRapidX X5 Plus 5 (5:54):

9. GizmoWatch (7:15):

10. Google Home (9:18):

12. Home Mini (9:32):



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Hope you found some ideas to help with all those "hard to get for" people - let me know 😁
