A Look Into A Huge Billionaire's Bunker!

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Explore with us as we step into a revamped 1960s AT&T Bunker, now a dazzling space complete with a cinema, recording studio, workshop, and multiple cozy bedrooms.

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Ron Hubbard
President/CEO & Founder
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Ron you good bro? Huffing and puffing while walking around this bunker.


There is a AT&T bunker in Virginia. It is in awesome condition, if I remember correctly it is almost 20, 000 sq ft., completely updated, they live there year round. While they have the ability to connect to power, they are completely off grid, have several large capacity storage batterries that enable them to have no concerns of running out of power. They get paid for spots on the tower that is still in use.

Nice video, know right where it is, my wife is from Manhattan Kansas.
Everyone stay safe, warm, happy 😊 and healthy. From Henrico County Virginia


Tip, when you have someone explaining the bunker, give him a MIC!!


Love it... neds an auxiliary escape and a place to hide a few vehicles... preferably accessible from the bunker. That retrofitted nbc air filtration is a must.


it needs a very well stocked gun room, and of course food food food


I’ve seen this one for sale over the years and I show my wife every time…..this one is my dream spot since it’s also close to home. Maybe next go round I’ll have that type of money 😍


Worried a little about your health Ron! Shouldn’t be struggling to breath so much!


Interesting, Thank You. Just what we ALL NEED


Its great to see you on camera again Ron! Keep the new videos coming


That flickering light from ceiling fans would drive me crazy.
Also different light spectrum on every bulb will mess with your circadian rhythm.


Having worked for several tower communications companies, I’ve been in many of these AT&T 1960 era decommissioned bunker facilities over the years. Was always fascinated by them and wanted to own one, especially now, to hide from future drone wars. There’s a big one in the desert between Las Vegas and Los Angeles that used to be manned when the President was in flight during the Cold War, to keep communications to Air Force One & the Doomsday plane up in case of an emergency scenario. Interesting stuff!


This gave me massive claustrophobia and anxiety. I'm not sure I'd want to watch movies during WWIII. I'm also not sure what the point of surviving a nuclear war would be if nobody else is around. Seems creepy as hell.


I'm in the poor class! Lol. Building my bunker by hand currently. It's not much but it's better than nothing. Great video!


I've been in one of those, A guy owned one, that was basically in the middle of farmland, with a little building on top that looked like an old auto mechanics shop. Same Stairs and door style, though the one I saw was smaller than the one shown. He said he purchased his for 60, 000, when it first got sold, That was around 2000-2001 time frame.


This bunker is an amazing value. If it’s not sold by the end of the month I’d be surprised; heck I’d be surprised if it doesn’t sell in the next few days.


What would you do if you were in a bunker and someone died, what would you do with the body?? Considering how long humans could last in a bunker, and how long the affects of fallout are, isn’t it probable that you’re in fact never leaving the bunker? I mean, how long can you sustain food, air ect..ect..


I wish I had the money. This is a steal for 1.5 million. It's worth way more than that. If i win the lottery tomorrow I will call you Ron.


Totally awesome, no wonder the owner lives in it and why not, It is definitely the biggest and well-organised bunker I have ever seen, thanks so much for the owner letting us all see it, if I had the money spare heck I would buy it, thanks also for your time to show it to us and the great humourous reporting filled with great knowledge as all of you videos.


One of the coolest bunkers I've seen - thanks for showing it to us!


a simple addition of Sound Soak would stop all the echo. Same stuff we use in US Embassies....About the AT&T sites. There is one less than a mile from me in Great Falls, Virginia in a neighborhood called Holly Knolls right of Rt. 7 and near (Rt (193) George Town Pike. Still active to this day too...Built on huge springs as well. As a kid I did a "field trip there". About two miles from this site is an old Nike/Hercules missile site too. One of many that ringed DC incase of a Soviet bomber flight.
