German TV News Intros 2020 / Openings Compilation (HD)

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A collection of News Openers from Germany. Click on "MORE" (below) for complete list and timecodes. All rights held by the respective broadcasters. What's your favorite? Please comment below.

00:00 Intro

00:04 RTL aktuell
00:36 ARD Tagesschau
01:03 ZDF Heute
01:30 SAT.1 Nachrichten
01:48 ProSieben Newstime
02:09 RTL 2 News
02:34 WDR aktuell
02:48 WDR Aktuelle Stunde
03:17 BR Rundschau
03:47 RBB 24
04:01 SWR aktuell BW
04:26 SWR aktuell RP
04:47 NDR Info
05:06 MDR aktuell
05:33 SR aktuell
05:53 ARD Tagesthemen (Late news)
06:18 ZDF Heute Journal (Late news)
06:40 RTL Nachtjournal (Nighttime news)
07:03 VOX Nachrichten (Nighttime news)
07:24 ZDF Heute plus (Nighttime news)
07:47 Kabel 1 News
08:07 Welt Nachrichten
08:37 ntv Nachrichten
08:57 Phoenix Der Tag
09:12 Euronews am Abend
09:31 Servus Nachrichten Deutschland
09:51 Arte Journal
10:14 ARD Mittagsmagazin
10:33 ZDF Mittagsmagazin

10:58 BR Abendschau
11:15 BR Abendschau Der Süden
11:24 BR Frankenschau
11:39 SWR Landesschau Baden-Württemberg
11:58 SWR Landesschau Rheinland-Pfalz
12:15 SR Aktueller Bericht
12:36 HR Hessenschau
12:58 MDR Sachsenspiegel
13:15 MDR Thüringen Journal
13:35 MDR Sachsen-Anhalt heute
13:51 RBB Abendschau Berlin
14:18 RBB Brandenburg aktuell
14:41 NDR Hamburg Journal
15:08 NDR Schleswig-Holstein Magazin
15:24 NDR Nordmagazin
15:40 NDR Hallo Niedersachsen
15:51 Radio Bremen TV Buten un Binnen
16:10 WDR Lokalzeit aus Köln
16:28 WDR Lokalzeit aus Aaachen
16:36 WDR Lokalzeit Bergisches Land
16:44 WDR Lokalzeit aus Bonn
16:51 WDR Lokalzeit aus Dortmund
16:57 WDR Lokalzeit aus Duisburg
17:06 WDR Lokalzeit aus Düsseldorf
17:14 WDR Lokalzeit Münsterland
17:21 WDR Lokalzeit OWL (Ostwestfalen-Lippe)
17:30 WDR Lokalzeit Ruhr
17:37 WDR Lokalzeit Südwestfalen
17:48 RTL Regional (example: RTL West)
18:03 SAT.1 Regional (example: SAT.1 Bayern)

18:20 Endcard
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The man behind the desk for the Tagesschau is a little legend. He has since retired but he was THE mister Tagesschau for years every child knew him


I really like Europe news intros... Minimalist and the graphics is awesome!!


Tagesschau = Beste
Are you even a real German if you have never seen Tagesschau.


This is great! Interesting to compare them to their opposite numbers in the UK. Mostly larger, more open studios, many with large quirky desk centrepieces out of line with the UK's somewhat pedestrian blocks with decoration on the outside and computers on the inside, I'm a big fan. WDR's studio in particular stands out with it's interesting right angled wings and multiplanar studio. Also interesting that the German anchors tend to stand even behind their desks. Something that appeals greatly to me from my stint in UK Independent Radio. I'm also wildly Impressed with the graphics packages some of even the smaller regionals are using. We tend to be very low key with graphics in the UK, such as with ITV essentially only using their green screen sets to project fake backgrounds. The German channels seem to be using the technology much more effectively for the display of their on screen graphics and still images. As the owner of a small telly something like Zeute's full screen graphics would be lovely compared to the images in the background of the national BBC news programs for example.
I can think of one big thing I don't like very much though as compared to the UK counterparts - the opening musical themes are all very dull! The best in the selection had to be the Tagesschau opening, which did have a certain degree of grandeur, helped considerably by the perfect cueing of the presenter and studio apparatus (something that was lacking in some of the local bulletins), certainly to my mind though, most of the regional music themes were deep into the (generic) categorisation, I can't see any of them catching your attention the way that even some of the weaker competition in the UK like the Sky News theme can.
Overall very interesting selection, I'll watch a few more of these programs in full in order to have a better look at their presentation.
Thanks for going to the effort to record, edit and post all this :) I'm sure it couldn't have been easy.


9:12 I should probably mention, for those who are curious, that Euronews does have an English feed too, but I'm assuming that isn't broadcast on pay TV in Germany but the German feed is, though I know they have an English feed because that's the feed that pay TV providers in Singapore broadcast here.


Warum startet es mit RTL und nicht mit der Tagesschau?


Können wir bitte darüber reden wie verboten gut das Sounddesign von WeLT ist? Ich kriege jedes Mal so Gänsehaut, das wirkt so edel Drantisch, so weltgewandt und seriös, so ernst und gleichzeitig offen. Definitiv eines der allerbesten in Deutschland, das muss sich auch sonst im internationalen Vergleich (BBC und Co) nicht verstecken. Über Inhalte, sichtweisen und Axel Springer (der Medienkonzern hinter WeLT) lässt sich redlich streiten, aber das Intro, das Design ist fantastisch. Wäre es nicht Axel Springer, wäre WeLT allein vom Design her eine meiner absoluten Favourite News 🤷🏼‍♂️
Wäre interessant eure Meinungen, eben gerade auf den internationalen Vergleich zu hören 🙏☺️


I love the intro and openings of every German News here! Thank you so much for the compilation! I wanna watch all of your compilations. 😍😍😍😍😍


My favorites are RTL Aktuell, ARD Tagesschau/Tagesthemen, ZDF Heute/Heute Journal/Heute Plus, WDR Aktuell/Aktuelle Stunde, Hessenschau, RTL 2 News and Rundschau!


14:44 Hamburg Journal mit ein bisschen Brahms im Intro ist schon classy


My Grandpa always watches mdr Sachsen-Anhalt even though he lives in North-Rhine Westphalia and he just won't stop.


My favorites are :
1. ARD Tagesschau and Tagesthemen
2. WELT Nachrichten
3. RBB Abendschau
4. BR Rundschau
5. Prosieben Newsline


Some very questionable design decisions, especially when concerning virtual studios. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. SWR....??


2:52 Die mag ich am liebsten, schaue ich als Wuppertaler auch jeden Tag.


Woah, so many news intros. As a German I mosty only watch tagesschau and Lokalzeit aus Köln, didn't even hear about most of the other news.


Are the local broadcasters (like BR, RBB, MDR, etc.) available everywhere in Germany?


So every state has it's own TV network?


I don't even watch news.. but.. the intros just sound so familiar. Everytime at around 8pm. Just hearing the Tagesschau bell in my parents room-


12:36 the intro used for Radio Television Tsurumi News from 2020


Awesome compilation. But one thing is missing: the main late edition of “rbb24” with usually airs at around 21:45 CET and comes from the studio of the “rbb Abendschau”, hence its different opening style and theme music which should be documented here as well. – Keep up the good work!
