Unveiling the Secrets of the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels! @AfterburnPodcast Ep #66

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Ep 65 with @afthunderbirds and @USNavyBlueAngels

Mike from the Merge Newsletter & podcast joins forces with The Afterburn Podcast’s John “Rain” Waters to co-host an epic interview with the Commander of the Air Force Thunderbirds AND the Executive Officer of the Navy Blue Angels. We go behind the scenes with both teams to learn about leadership, flying, teamwork in a way you’ve never heard before.

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Рекомендации по теме

This is by far THE BEST podcast episode I've heard featuring members of the Blue Angels & Thunderbirds. Both Cdr Fay & Lt Col Elliott are incredibly candid in their remarks about the operations and history of their respective teams. And the sound quality, sounded like everyone was in a studio despite the remote connection. Just fantastic! Major kudos to Mike and "Rain" for this discussion.


13:27 One of your best ever! I can’t echo enough about how much this country needs men (and women) like this. The humility shown by both leaders is almost unrecognizable in today’s world. Thank you.


Truly enjoyed this podcast. I am a huge fan of both the Thunderbirds and the Blue Angels. When i was stationed at England AFB at Alexandria, LA, there was an air show and I actually got to meet and talk to someone with theThunderbirds, got my picture taken with him as well! But that was years ago and they are all probably retired by now. I knew there was a lot of self-discipline, a lot of practice, and team work involved, but listening to all of you really brings home the amount of dedication, commitment, and work that goes into making these teams succeed. Thanks so much to all of you for taking the time to do this discussion!
Rest in Peace Chris Darnell...


This is probably the most fascinating podcasts on the US Air Force and US Navy Aerial Demonstration Teams that I've ever watched. Tremendous thanks to all those involved in producing this truly excellent episode.


What a great episode! Thanks for this unique chance of meeting people who excell in their jobs. The best America has to offer.❤


The most informative show about the tremendous undertaking, beyond the flight demonstration, that is required on week to week basis! Thank you to all four of you!


I spent 3 years with the Tbirds from 1983 to 1986. I found this interview most entertaining so much so that I listened to it twice, and I learned so much more about both teams..


This episode is epic on so many levels! The production quality is great however the content and the people involved are the real showcase. Thank you so much for the service you all have done and are doing! Thank you so much toe the Blues and T-Birds for the amazing work in the sky and on the ground. Both made such great points and contributions of the logistics, the positive impact of one team to another. That’s hugely beneficial and the synergy created is long overdo. I can’t possibly overstate the impact the teams have in the public. I was one of those at young age that was wanting to the exact thing that you all are doing. I chose music but my heart skips a beat when I’m at an air show, hear some afterburners, or see a service member in the community. Again thank you for your sacrifice and the inspiration and leadership.


This is one of the best pod casts you guys have put together...you are onto something good...please, please keep doing these podcasts...It seems our Nation really needs you guys...


This is such a fantastic episode. My nephew just started his tour with the Thunderbirds. Looking forward to seeing the team at Cocoa Beach this spring.


Thank you all for this wonderful discussion, showing a bit of the depth in what you do relentlessly and with excellence. ❤


As a former USAFA cadet this has been my favorite podcast. Great discussion and sharing of the pursuit of excellence.DO more.


Great interview. The past few winters, I've made the drive over the hill from San Diego to watch these 2 teams practice. It's always a great day watching the practices.


Awesome podcast! I was a Parachute Survival Equipment Specialist with the 57 EMS at Nellis 88-92. Use to pack the T-birds chutes. I always hoped the T-Birds and Blue Angles would do some collaboration. Good Stuff! Like Lt Col. Elliot said, that Thundebird hangar is amazing, everything was so polished. You could certainly tell a since of pride and professionalism when you walked in to their hanger. Great memories.


Would love to see a joint interview with a US team member and a Red arrows member to see what the main differences are between philosophies of the teams across the pond, great podcast. 👌👍


This was just an incredible interview. Thanks to all involved for taking the time and effort to get this done.


What an honor to listen to this podcast!


I was there in Michigan for both days of the airshow. The Sunday performance and missing man formation was very powerful


This was the best interview I’ve seen! Getting everyone together had to be a huge task, but it was worth it. Thank you to all involved!


God bless you guys and thank you all for your service and sacrifice for this great country!
