Python Programming Tutorial with AI - Session 4 | Loops and Functions in Python

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Welcome to Session 4 of our Python programming tutorial series!
In this session, we cover two important concepts in Python: loops and functions.

Learn how to use while and for loops to repeat actions.
Discover how to define reusable blocks of code with the def keyword.
Topics covered in this session:

Understanding the while loop and how to avoid infinite loops.
Exploring the for loop and the range function.
Working with lists and iterating over their elements.
Defining functions and using parameters and return values.
Practice Exercises:

Write a while loop that prints all even numbers from 2 to 10.
Write a for loop that iterates over a list of colors and prints each color.
Define a function that takes two numbers and returns their product.
Share your answers in the comments below, and let us know if you have any questions!

GitHub link to view the exercise solutions:
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