Esin Çelebi Bayru, 2020 Şeb-i Arus Mesajları [English Translation Below]

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Esin Çelebi Bayru, Hz. Mevlâna’nın 22. Kuşak Torunu ve Uluslararası Mevlâna Vakfı Başkan Vekilidir.
Esin Çelebi Bayru is a 22nd generation descendent of Hz. Mevlana and deputy chairman of the International Mevlana Foundation.
Dear friends, this year we will celebrate the 747th anniversary of Hz. Mevlana's death. Yes, I used the term "celebrate" purposefully, because it is what Hz. Mevlana said and wanted. If we are to look at the ghazals of the Diwan of Shams, we can observe this better. In one of his ghazals in the Diwan, he says the following:
On the day of (my) death when my coffin is going (by), don't imagine that I have (any) pain (about leaving) this world. Don't weep for me, and don't say, "How terrible! What a pity!" (For) you will fall into the error of (being deceived by) the Devil, (and) that would (really) be a pity! When you see my funeral, don't say, "Parting and separation!" (Since) for me, that is the time for union and meeting (God).(And when) you entrust me to the grave, don't say, "Good-bye! Farewell!" For the grave is (only) a curtain for (hiding) the gathering (of souls) in Paradise.When you see the going down, notice the coming up. Why should there be (any) loss because of the setting of the sun and moon? It seems like setting to you, but it is rising. The tomb seems like a prison, (but) it is the liberation of the soul.What seed (ever) went down into the earth which didn't grow (back up)? (So), for you, why is there this doubt about the human "seed"? What bucket (ever) went down and didn't come out full? Why should there be (any) lamenting for the Joseph of the soul because of the well?When you have closed (your) mouth on this side, open (it) on that side, for your shouts of joy will be in the Sky beyond place (and time). [Diwan of Shams, Ghazal 911]
At another ghazal he says:
"(O) brother, don't come without a tambourine to my tomb, since (being) full of sorrow is not suitable at the banquet of God." [Diwan of Shams, Ghazal 683]
Yes friends, on the 147th anniversary of Hz. Mevlana's death, we must celebrate. I wish you all well.
Esin Çelebi Bayru is a 22nd generation descendent of Hz. Mevlana and deputy chairman of the International Mevlana Foundation.
Dear friends, this year we will celebrate the 747th anniversary of Hz. Mevlana's death. Yes, I used the term "celebrate" purposefully, because it is what Hz. Mevlana said and wanted. If we are to look at the ghazals of the Diwan of Shams, we can observe this better. In one of his ghazals in the Diwan, he says the following:
On the day of (my) death when my coffin is going (by), don't imagine that I have (any) pain (about leaving) this world. Don't weep for me, and don't say, "How terrible! What a pity!" (For) you will fall into the error of (being deceived by) the Devil, (and) that would (really) be a pity! When you see my funeral, don't say, "Parting and separation!" (Since) for me, that is the time for union and meeting (God).(And when) you entrust me to the grave, don't say, "Good-bye! Farewell!" For the grave is (only) a curtain for (hiding) the gathering (of souls) in Paradise.When you see the going down, notice the coming up. Why should there be (any) loss because of the setting of the sun and moon? It seems like setting to you, but it is rising. The tomb seems like a prison, (but) it is the liberation of the soul.What seed (ever) went down into the earth which didn't grow (back up)? (So), for you, why is there this doubt about the human "seed"? What bucket (ever) went down and didn't come out full? Why should there be (any) lamenting for the Joseph of the soul because of the well?When you have closed (your) mouth on this side, open (it) on that side, for your shouts of joy will be in the Sky beyond place (and time). [Diwan of Shams, Ghazal 911]
At another ghazal he says:
"(O) brother, don't come without a tambourine to my tomb, since (being) full of sorrow is not suitable at the banquet of God." [Diwan of Shams, Ghazal 683]
Yes friends, on the 147th anniversary of Hz. Mevlana's death, we must celebrate. I wish you all well.