Static Variable & Static Method in Dart | Use of static in Dart | Dart Tutorial

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Static Variable & Static Method in Dart | Use of static in Dart | Dart Tutorial

I am extremely sorry for background noise for this video!

This video explains in detailed the use of static variable.

0:00 - Introduction
00:25 - Static variable in Dart
04:13 - Static method in Dart
06:36- Limitations or rules for static variable & method

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I am extremely sorry for background noise for this video!

0:00 - Introduction
00:25 - Static variable in Dart
04:13 - Static method in Dart
06:36- Limitations or rules for static variable & method


Sir My question is can Widgets means construcros have a type? Like if ListView is a class then all the constructors of ListView class will be of type ListView. Guide me Sir. Love your videos. Keep it up.


I mean to say that like we have data types like int, double bool,
. Do constructors also have a type means data type like If I have an enum :
enum FilterBy{date, time, qty}
In this enum, all the named constants like date, time are of type FilterBy.Similarly If I have a class GridView and it has different constructors like GridView. custom() etc.
If I write a statement
GridView. custom(). runTimeType. It gives GridView. It means this widget is of type GridView. Is that correct.?
