The Confusion that Makes Snare Tuning Difficult | Season Six, Episode 18

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There’s a major roadblock that seems to be the root cause of so much struggle with snare drum tuning. While each of the constituent elements may seem obvious, their roles and how they interact with each other is largely misunderstand, making it difficult for so many drummers to produce a sound that they’re happy with. We’ll break down the function of each of these elements, demoing how they work and how they relate so you can feel confident in the decisions you make when it comes to tuning.



Signal chain:
Mics - Focusrite Clarett 8Pre USB- Mac Studio w/Pro Tools 2022.5
Recorded at 48kHz / 24bit

Acoustic Treatment:

Pearl Masters Maple Custom Extra w/70’s Ludwig LM400 Supraphonic
22” Jesse Simpson clone of old Zildjian A, 15" Zildjian Kerope Hihats

Snare: Evans G12 coated / Snare Side 300
Snare Wires: PureSound Custom Pro Steel 20-strand
Toms: N/A
Kick Drum: Evans UV EQ4/ EQ3 Coated White Reso

Hosted by: Cody Rahn
Production & Consulting: Ben O'Brien Smith @ Cadence Independent Media

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Can we put all this science aside and appreciate that Cody is straight up a world class drummer? Absolutely awesome grooves this episode.


I love how deep you guys get with your topics. So many years of videos and not single one feels like a “filler episode” or just a trendy topic you want clicks on. You guys have saved me time, money, and frustration and I can really dial in my own sound.


Not enough people talk about snare wire tension. It's these fine details that make a huge difference. Thanks and more please!


Cody's smile at 7:43 is just the best reaction to adding the snare wires. I love it. Thanks guys.


Its just insane that people had to wait all those years for channel like this! The amount of information we can find on this channel is just mind blowing. Its hard to believe that nobody before you guys didn't think of that... cheers and keep the good work 🫡


Played a Ludwig supraphonic for 40 years. This video "fast forwards" that experience, years of taking heads & wires off, listening, trying different heads, tunings wires, thanks!


Your site is the most intelligent I have come across with regards to drum tuning. I’ve played for 50 years & had to deal with all sorts of myths & misunderstandings about sounds . It was particularly bad in the 80 s . When engineers muffled the crap out of everything as it was a quick fix . Thanks for sharing the science. You play great . Beautiful press rolls etc . Thanks .


Now I get it.... Two heads are better than one! Thanks and Blessings Cody!


I just discovered this channel and I love how informative and pedagogic it is,
But Also I have to say I really appreciate how 'relaxed' this video sounds. Be it your voice placement or the overall sound recording quality, this is just gentle to my ears, thanks guys


In your tuning example, the top head is tuned to roughly a C and the snare side is right around a G above. So, they are tuned in a 5th. Just for the nerds like me who go for specific pitches. Either way, it sounds good.


I know this vid wasn't a tutorial but in some ways it seems like a greatest hits summary of the principles you discuss in previous snare tuning videos. Thanks to you I am getting not only great sounds out of my snares, but also a great range of sounds and a growing ability to troubleshoot when something sounds off.

Speaking of which, have you guys done a troubleshooting video yet? Would be awesome to go through the most common tuning/setup mistakes and the sounds/symptoms they produce.


In a long string of excellent videos, this one stands out. Great content, very informative and as always superlative playing from Mr. Cody. Cheers guys!


Always appreciate your attention to detail, and not shying away from all the complexities and intricacies that should be considered, and while constantly reinforcing that no rules should be applied without understanding the implications, and to question those "rules" for greater scope and range of possibilities that are almost always missed otherwise. Great advice! Thank you.


I was a pretty simple guy. Use the JAW tuning method (just above wrinkle), Evan’s dry heads, and in the studio a moon gel (which wasn’t a moon gel, it was a 25 cent stickey hand from a vending machine). Otherwise, it’s all just rim shots. But also, videos like this didn’t exist in my day and I wish they did.


Thanks. Once again, you guys have provided a thoughtful approach to the mechanics of making a snare drum sound. More killer grooves from Cody, too. I love when you use that press-roll for your backbeat! I hope you two never run out of ideas for this channel!


This channel has done way more than any other to open my mind about tuning and take it out of the dark arts; thanks.


I love love love this video! What a great teacher. Great player too. This whole thing was an A+


Your channel is just so educational, it’s amazing 👌🏻


This is a fantastic video. Educational with a grounded, common-sense approach and delivery. Well done!


I've had my Supraphonic 400 since 1978 or 79. It came with a second hand Ludwig Jazz kit, guessing mid 60's. I never ever learned what you're teaching here. Just took stabs at it, not a methodic approach, with no understanding of the elements and how they interact. This is great. My older son used it in the 2000's. It's down cellar. I will use your video here to set it up. Looking forward to it. It has been used a lot.
