Ярослава Дегтярева - Шоу Лучше Всех

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На случай блокировки Ютуба я создала канал в телеграмме
Рекомендации по теме

Яся и Ниргиз - как ангел и демон. Ярослава - это просто


Яся, ты так спела Шоу мост го он, что даже Галкин оболдел. Ты всегда с такой душой. Обожаю тебя


Замечательная умнаядевочка с огромным талантом песенного исполнителя Конечно огромная роль в развитие ее. Родителей. Честь и хвала им. За такого ребенка


В подьездах может не пишут, а я тебя люблю такой маленькой и взросленькой.❤


Очень талантливая девочка. Такое владение голосом, уверенность в себе


Девочка не стеснительная, быстрая и прекрасно поёт.


Когда Ярослава "Даванула голосом" в припеве - слезы счастья из глаз!!!


Большая умница, очень красивый голос просто ангелочек 💖


Привет из КИРГИЗИИ
Сюрпиз нашего эпохи
Слов нет

Мир ☮️😶
Неповторимая атмосфера
Разных детей
Разных привлекательный


IAroslava, ti super, jelaiu vse samogo luchshego, da i ti molodec Danil.


Гениальная девочка !
Абсолютный слух !:8 лет петь взрослые песни может быть и не совсем нормально, зачем лишать ребёнка детства ?!!!!


Операторам и режиссеру за пультом - огромное уважение. Так точно и вовремя "взять кадр"...
Яся и Даниил - СУПЕР !!!


Прошу, не ругайте то недавнее время когда записывалась эта передача! Тогда все у всех было хорошо и нормально!Сейчас не то, да всё не то!А голоса настоящие !А гдеж их ещё послушать? И увидеть!Только все в в памяти и остаеться! Печально!Но будем жить! Талантов у нас много! Счастья, любви, радости, так блогословила маленькая Ярослава!Чего и Вам желаю!


Стебется Галкин, как привык... А девочка глубокая, искренняя. Померк со своим юморком... на фоне девочки. Храни Господи, Девочку Яну.


Only watched his interview when other time and I forgot how absolutely adorable she is when she sitting there talking about her mom and then it just in your mom like that. And just how adorable she was at that age anyways even though she is just adorable Dennis incarnated and always will be for her whole life. When she was tiny like that there is something so funny about her or mannerisms and the way she acted. That's why she's my favorite person in the whole world because of the way she was when she was just this tiny little angel right here and like she's in command of everything. She had the most neatest little personalit the most amazing little sense of humor and intelligence.And then knowing what that she would not even be here at all and what she had went through and how her mother had saved her and everything and then seen the look on her face as she talking about her it's very very emotional for me and I'm not even a Russian and I can't understand hardly anything they say even though from about 5 years-old listening to the music I'm somewhat conversive in it but I figure I could probably learn it in about a year. It still brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. One thing I feel better about those I found out that she actually has talked to her fatherand even though I could basically beat the dude to death for what he caused and the way he just abandon her and her mother after he caused it because you were the one that hurt her in the accident and then he never even went to the hospital or anything he didn't even help his mom get her out of the car and walk into town with her. That's probably why he went to prison because I believe you must have been drunk or something cuz how can anyone harm an angel like that and then not try to help her. But still being a father I felt horrible for the man and I'm glad to know that he is at least back in her life somewhat just for the fact that it he has a father if he's trying to redeem himself I guess. And he never disappeared out of nowhere it when she found out she was famous and Rich because that was about eight or nine years ago so that's not why it's happening maybe she reached out to him cuz that's the thing I was hoping for it because every little girl needs a daddy and no matter how big of a piece of s*** he could be or myself for that matter cuz I don't see my daughter's very often but I guarantee I would be nothing like what this man did.1 reasons are so concerned for her is because she looks exactly like my oldest daughter do I find out what she went through in her accident and everything and that it was your dad to did it in that she basically abandoned by him and she became what she is and made her dreams come true with her mama by the time she was seven and she can't even hear it loud noises what last sing and stuff without getting a migraine and she gets migraines every single day of her life and she still walks on. I think she's the most absolutely tough and strong little soul in the universe and the most beautiful sweet and loving little soul in this university has the best little personality in the best little sense of humor either just like anyone I've ever seen already at that age and she's only 18 here. She's so witty and you're so sharp and just extraordinary and I don't even understand what you saying but I understand how she's saying it I see the reactions of the adults and I actually do have way of translating it and she just adorable and she still is today yeah I think she got her first boyfriend.I'll tell you what you better be a good man and if he ever hurts her I guarantee I will be taking a trip to Russia to skin him alive.. but I don't think anybody that she can love would be a bad person so I'll probably let him just as much as I love her. God bless you and God bless you all especially you Alicia cuz you were the reason she's even here.


Kakaya chudesnaya Yaroslava!! Visshii talant!!!
