Upol Flyweight Gold

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Formulated for the professional Technician, FLYWEIGHT GOLD ™ is a non sagging, lightweight filler that combines excellent filling properties and effortless sanding.
Smooth, creamy spreading
Non-porous formula will not shrink or pull back
Quick drying - solvent proof in 15 minutes
Pinhole and tack free
Direct to Metal
Substrates: Direct to metal, OEM paint surfaces, aluminum, galvanized, SMC, fiberglass, lightly abraded E coat, most plastics
Smooth, creamy spreading
Non-porous formula will not shrink or pull back
Quick drying - solvent proof in 15 minutes
Pinhole and tack free
Direct to Metal
Substrates: Direct to metal, OEM paint surfaces, aluminum, galvanized, SMC, fiberglass, lightly abraded E coat, most plastics