JOSHUA Online Ministries 060521 The High Priest's Turban - Come Boldly by Ptr Paul Timothy Viray

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Last week, we have learned about how the shoulder straps in a high priest’s garment represent Jesus’ power and how it is connected to the breastplate, which symbolizes His love. If any of us need His power to save us from any trouble, we only need to be reminded of how much He loves us, and how He always carries us on His shoulders! Hallelujah! What a rest-filled life!

Today, Pastor Tim talks about another piece of a high priest’s garment which is the turban. For two weeks, we have learned that every piece of a priest’s garment represents something wonderful about Jesus because He is our High Priest today. In this sermon, our pastor answers these questions: What is the purpose of the turban? What does it mean that it is made of pure gold? Why does it have an inscription ‘Holiness to the Lord?’ Why did the priest of the Old Testament need to wear it always?

Come join us in discovering how the turban relates to our beautiful Savior! See you, online!
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